Chapter 1. The Movie Night

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     Natsu, Lucy, and Gray are best friends. They spend time with each other almost every day. One day, they all decide to go see a movie.
     "Hey we should watch the movie, "The Nights of The Blood Oaths." (Shout out to SAO) said by Lucy.
"I'll go, just won't pay." Gray said.
"Okay, I'll buy everyone's ticket, but only me and Lucy get a drink and popcorn." Natsu said.
"Fine whatever." Said by Gray in a uncaring kind.
They all left each other and went to their house to get ready for the movies. Natsu finishes first and drives to Lucy's house, and then Gray's.
"Hurry up! We're gonna miss it!"
"Okay okay I'm in now drive!" Gray said.
They get there and Natsu buys 3 tickets, 2 large drinks, and 1 large popcorn for him and Gray. They get inside the movie theatre and find a seat.
"Let's go sit over there." Lucy said as they start walking to the 3 seats.
They all sit down and start watching the movie
1 hour has passed and they're still watching the movie.
"Hey let me out, I need to use the bathroom." Said by Gray in a whisper.
Natsu gets up so Gray can get out and he sits back down. Natsu and Lucy are both eating the popcorn at the same time, and then their hands touch... They don't move away from each other's hand, they just leave it there and then they stare at each other, and they both smile. Natsu grabs her hand and tries to hold it, Lucy let him, they are both holding hands and then Gray comes up and scares them.
"Boo! Said Gray.
"Shut up! We're in the movie theaters!" Said by Natsu as he lets go of Lucy's hand quickly.
"Ohh what ever! I don't care!" Gray says.
As they get to the end, Gray didn't end up to like the movie, so he just called his friend Loke to pick him up and they headed to the bar.
"What a jerk, how can you just leave on your friends like that." Lucy said in a whisper.
"He's can be so annoying sometimes." Natsu replied.
As the movie ended it was very dark, so they started to head out to the car, and started to drive to Lucy's place. Half way there, Natsu's car slows down because he runs out of gas.
"God damnit! I'm out of gas." Natsu says in Anger.
"Guess we have to walk home." Lucy says in sadness.
"Since we're close to your house, can I spend the night with you? I'll walk to the gas station to get gas for my car in the morning." Said by Natsu.
"No problem." Lucy said
As they walk home, 2 guys walk up to Natsu and Lucy and they start asking for their money and jewelry.
"Give is your stuff, and we won't hurt you." Said by the 2 random men.
"That's not gonna happen. Lucy, I need you to run away. I can handle these guys." Natsu said in a whisper.
"I'm not leaving yo-"
One of the guys picks up Lucy and starts to run away with her.
"NATSUUUUUUUUUUU!" Lucy screamed in fear.
"you ain't gonna beat me up! Now I gotta gun so let's make this easy, give me your stuf-" the had been interrupted by Natsu's fist.
"What was that?" Natsu said to the random man as he laid on the ground.
Once he knocked him out he grabbed the gun and kept it. And then he started to run after Lucy.
"Once my friend beats your little pink haired freak up, we are going to rob the both of you, and then we are going to have some fun with you!" Said the man in laughter.
"Your friend isn't going to save yo-" as he gets punched by Natsu, and he's out cold.
"wanna fuck with us again!? Don't you dare touch Lucy!" As he kick his when he's on the ground non stop.
"Natsu stop it's done!" As she grabs Natsu.
"Let's go!"
"They run away as quickly as they can, as far as they can go. They both stop in a little alley.
"I'm so sorry Lucy! I couldn't protect you! I tried to get there as fast as I could, but he touched you and made you feel helpless, I'm so sorry!" Natsu said while crying.
Lucy felt bad for him so she grabbed him and they started to kiss. They were kissing for about 15 seconds until Natsu said something.
"We just.... kissed?" He said with confusion.
"I really like you Natsu, and you doing that, risking our life to save mine, that just made my day. When I saw you punch the guy in front of me, it was like me seeing my knight in shining armor." Said by Lucy.
"I really like you too Lucy." Said by Natsu.
"Now let's get to my place before anything else happens." Said by Lucy
As they start walking out the alley, Natsu grabs Lucy's hand and starts to smile at her, Lucy does the same thing back. They get to the house and Lucy gets into comfortably clothes.
"Okay, you can either sleep on the couch, or you can sleep on my bed with me, but not crazy dirty stuff." Said by Lucy even thought she wanted to do that.
"I'll sleep with you, I won't do anything super bad." Said by Natsu.
As Natsu gets into some comfortable clothes, they both get on the bed and start to make out. They do it for a while, and Natsu surprisingly doesn't pull anything dumb.
"It's getting late, wanna go to sleep now." Lucy says after sucking on Natsu's lips.
"Yea I'm pretty tired." Natsu said.
After they talked they turned off the light in her room and started to cuddle on her bed as they fall asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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