Chapter one,

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Von's Pov

"These fucking blood sucking basteds are a pain in the arse," as I read through my information on the latest attack,

'This hellsing organization is intriguing to say the least, even with my resources I am still having difficulty finding info.' With a sigh I close my laptop and head to get some tea, 'honestly it's been a while since an organisation has interested me, all I know is that the head of the organization is Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing who has her butler continually at beck and call, Walter C. Dornez a former Vampire Hunter, one of the greatest to ever exist and finally the unknown Dog, supposedly a secret weapon but least to nothing is recorded."

Biting my lip in frustration I mess up my hair even more, "stuff this stupid shit! Why is it so hard to find what I'm looking for?!"

Throwing my cup in the sink I head out for a walk to cool my head

As I light my smoke I hear gunfire "the one time I don't bring my fucking whip!" I growl out and head in the opposite direction but as soon as I sprint for the other direction I run smack face into a blond in blue

"Watch it!" just as I get up again I'm being dragged towards the gunfire "what the hell are you doing!" as I say that I see an army of ghouls behind us "you got to be fucking kidding me,"

Running away from the ghouls we reach a break and settle down "wow just fucking fantastic! I went on a walk to clear my head but no I end up being hunted by fucking ghouls!!" as I lean against a tree I look down to the girl "who are you girl?"

The girl stands up straight and despite her panicked state she manages to squeeze out her name "Seras Victoria-" just as I'm about to say more I feel a sudden pain in the back of my head "you fucking bastard-"

"Are you a virgin?" "YES!" a loud bang resonates through my head 'what the hell?' getting up I fall over again with a sharp throbbing in the back of my head, as my vision clears up I look to see Seras in the arms of a man "who?" just as I'm about to question him he bites the girl 'SHIT!'

I get up on my wobbly legs but as soon as I balance myself I make eye contact with the vampire 'crap... it's obvious I'm no match so,' just as I think that I grab a piece of splinted wood and throw it right through his eye 'what a shot.'

Using that few seconds I run through the doors into the awaiting woods, just as I see the edge of the forest I'm yanked back by a great force and crash into the chest of the mad man "you-" the last thing I remember is being thrown over a shoulder before passing out again,

Third person's pov

The vampire lifts the girl onto his shoulder whilst securing the police girl in against his chest,

As the vampire returns to his master Sir Integra looks over in displeasure "what have you done?!"

The vampire grins she explains "she wished for it herself," "and the other one?" at this he lets out a chuckle "she had been unconscious for most of it but when she awoke she stabbed me in the eye and ran, she seemed to know a lot about ghouls and vampires considering her last thoughts," Sir Integra taken back looks to the girl with curiosity, "we'll have to question her on what she knows and who she is."

As the girls were loaded into the car the vampire grinned in excitement "it truly is a beautiful night."

Von's Pov

I wake up with a throbbing headache "where am i?" I get up from the bed and look out the window 'I'm on the second story... jumping is gonna hurt,' I look around seeing the coast clear 'good thing its dark out,' as I gather my things which wasn't much to begin with,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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