The day I became a Fox

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I must have been about two or three when I became a Fox. Well, not the animal. I didn't just randomly wake up one day and I was a shorty pointy eared little dog type thing. I was adopted into the Fox family, there was mom aka Marry, there was dad aka Jason, next was Alex my sister, then there was me. My name is Buddie but everyone calls me Bud. I still remember my first day in my new home, it was big and scary. I went on a long car ride with a strange woman, she brought me to a big house with large glass windows and a stone porch. We didn't even have to knock, the people who would soon be my family were waiting and saw us coming trough the glass doors which at this point didn't have any curtains yet. They walked me upstairs to a room that was painted tan and red, the ceiling was bamboo with a wooden fan and there was brow wooden furniture around the room. They showed me a white door, it lead to a bathroom connecting mine and Alex's bedrooms. It was all so amazing, but I was terrified the woman who had brought me here had left and soon my new family left the room to give me some more time to settle in. After only a few minutes, a face popped through the bathroom door, it was Alex. She came in and sat on the hair across from me.

" hey kid, if you don't remember I'm alex," she smiled" I'm six years old and um... i like the color green. What about you?"

" well my name is Buddie, I'm three I think and I like blue and red." I replied smiling back at her. It looked like this wouldn't be so bad after all.

I went to explore this huge house a bit before dinner. I noticed a small door under the steps, nothing to strange probably just a closet. I still had to look. It wasn't a closet, it was a small room with an open wall on one side. The space above the wall seemed to lead into the steps. Logically i had to crawl up there. Of course its hard to navigate in a dark crawl space so i ended up lost in the ceiling. It took some time to get me down. I felt real bad, it was my first day and I was already messing stuff up. That's the day i learned how to use a drill. My dad showed me when he drilled a piece of plywood over the hole.

I had never had my own room before, especially not this big and empty seeming. To sum it up, I was scared. That's when Alex once more popped her head in my room.

" hey bud, if you don't want to be alone, you can come be with me" she shut the door and i heard her footsteps walk away cross the tile bathroom floor.

I considered it for a while, I never liked being alone. I walked over to the door and opened it slowly. I closed it behind me and walked across the dark bathroom. Alex's door was broken so I didn't need to turn the handle. I opened the door to her dimly lit room, she never like the dark, i walked over to her bed. It was raised very height so I could barely see over the edge. She saw me and pulled me up in to the bed. And thats my first day living as a Fox.

A/N new story guys, its not fan fiction for once. I needed to get my mind of the end of my other book. Do i need a new sign off for this book? Is it disrespecting the death of the other to use it? Tell me in comments, but for now. Love yall. Wanna be friends?


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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