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photo credit: to whoever took/created these amazing photos and book cover.

"I remember looking at James who stared back at me dumbfounded. How could we let this happen to our beautiful Luna? I kneel gently beside her looking into her perfect eyes"

Hello everyone,
I'm Annabelle and this is my story of how I discover the world of werewolves, not everyone will like my story and I will completely understand that, please give me a chance though as this is my first time sharing. 

The people that gave birth to me, the people that are meant to love me no matter what... left me when they broke up with the house and $200. After that night I wasn't sure if love was real. Everyone has a different story to show that love is real and others have them to show it isn't. I mean I love food, the woods and the holidays, right now it is the two week holiday in between each term, next term is the last term of my last year, I can't wait. Having 2 weeks of freedom before going back to that prison! Looking down at the stream, the same stream dad always told me "Annabelle never cross these stream creatures that aren't friendly live in there, creatures that have sharp claws and pointy teeth sleep in there, creatures with a sole of pure hate." I always thought he just said that so I wouldn't run away or get lost. I'm still not sure till today. But just in case I stop here and sit on the swing mum and I made, when they still loved each other and me, looking at my reflection, wavy blond hair falls over my green eyes, my red lips in a big smile from all the happy memories... I sit and just think about the one thing that always is on my mind lately... Love
After about an hour or so, of just thinking about everything and anything I get up and start to make my way home with the stars guiding me. But as I'm walking I have a strange feeling that I'm being followed by someone or something. Maybe the creatures in the woods are real and they need some dinner?? Nope stay calm, keep your pace and your heartbeat normal they can sense fear. But I can't help it, I slowly turn around to come face to face with a... Wolf?! There just sitting was a white and black wolf, I slowly took a step back but when the wolf noticed this he/she laid down with his/her head between his/her head. I need to find out if the wolf is a boy or girl? For some reason, the wolf makes me feel safe and protected so I take the risk and bend down and put out my hand for the wolf to smell. But instead, I feel a slobbery lick up my hand. "Ewe" Silly wolf" the wolf just replies with a bark. "Are you a boy or girl aye" I smile before saying "if you can understand me to bark twice." To my surprise, the wolf barks twice. I laugh before saying "bark once if your a boy and twice if your a girl." The wolf replies again with one bark. Hmmm, a boy. "What should I name you then Mr.wolf?" I think about it before deciding that I will have to work that out another time. I stay with the wolf a bit longer before I start to feel my eyes close...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wolf P.O.V

(In the next chapter)

Thank you again to everyone that is giving the book a go,
Please note that this is my first time and not everything will be perfect.

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