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This story is dedicated to all of my Densi sisters. You're always there for me and I love you all to death!! This is the first story I've ever written, but you don't have to go all soft on me. Feel free to tell me what you think, even if it's really really bad. Don't worry I can handle that, I'm a big girl! And since English isn't my mother tongue there could be spelling/grammar mistakes. If you find some, please tell me. Enjoy!

P.S.: I've read 50 Shades, that could explain a few things..


                                                                        Chapter One

Monty's pov

Marty was coming back. Finally! It felt like he and this woman Kensi were sitting in the restaurant forever. I stood up from the car seat that I was laying on and barked them welcome. But as soon as they got nearer I felt something strange. The atmosphere was so full of tension, I almost couldn't bear it. My senses were on high alert and I started to wander around nervously on the car seats. I've felt tension like this between them before but it was never that strong. Kensi and Marty arrived at the car. He was just about to open the front passenger door when Kensi grabbed his hand. He turned around and faced her. In that moment I knew something important must've happened. I probably knew before them that they had “a thing“. I also knew that they haven't been able to confess their feelings to each other yet. When Marty comes home from work he would often talk to me about Kensi and of course I felt that he was unhappy with the situation. He wanted them to be more than “ just partners“. Right now I could feel his desire for Kensi more than ever. And vice-versa. Kensi was still holding his hand and looked him deep in the eyes. He looked back at her, his eyes full of raw emotions. I think Kensi was about to kiss him when he stepped back. “Kensi, if you don't want to we could just...“ Marty started his sentence but Kensi cut him off by pushing him against the car and leaning over him. I heard them panting and then it happened. Kensi started kissing him hard, exploring every inch of his mouth with her tongue. She caught him by surprise but he kissed her back. Love was in the air, I could clearly feel that! And I've never seen my Marty so happy before. Well, now I had to share him, obviously. But honestly I didn't mind because I liked Kensi. She always makes my daddy happy and people who bring joy in his life are always welcome. So now Marty was standing there with his back to the car kissing the woman he wanted for so long. He grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him. She moaned and ran her fingers through his shaggy hair. After a few minutes I just couldn't stand it anymore and started barking. I didn't want them to do things here in front of the car. Kensi pulled away immediately and said, panting “I think Monty wants to go home.“. She got into the car and started the engine. Marty got in after her, still breathing heavily and petted me quickly. Then we drove off into the night.

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