prologue; sea of tears

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Water drifted under the fog that lay dense and infinite, a small boat, a raft, sailed closer to shore as a single watcher stood on a mystical beach with a single lantern to light the way. The raft drew closer and the silhouette of something small was the only thing that appeared on the little frail boat.

The watcher looked with a wary as it clashed with the pebble beach, an eyebrow raised as she walked over. It looked empty, but that shouldn't have been a surprise there hadn't been anyone on these foggy waters since it was made.

The watcher walked to the raft in the moonlit dark with the little lantern in hand, upon seeing the stick and stone raft she smiled half heartedly at the small purple cat that crawled off the raft.

"I see you're back Cherry."

A little mewl came from the cat as she felt the pebbles beneath her, then seconds later, toes were feeling pebbles.

A far cut covered in blue and purple stripes was draped across a girl with feral hair that matched her coat, a smile graced her bold smile and her feline eyes turned to the watcher.

"How your little dad going? Still dropping you off late to school?"

The watcher rolled her eyes as Cherry started walking into the forest filled with mushrooms that touched the stars and creatures that looked like they didn't know where they were going, and too the side, a frail rotting door and a little-broken glass next to it with a faded label.

'Drink Me'

"Why are you back Cherry?" the watcher asked noticing the attitude that swarmed Cherry's negative physique.

"Carlos left for Audrodon, some stupid King wanted to give him and his friends a chance." Cherry explained, "Next thing you know, he's on TV, with his new pal... A dog. A dog, Whitney. What is that?"

"So you're not going back?"

"Sail across Alice's tears just to stand alone on that stupid Isle? Never."

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