chapter: filler

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Daniel pov

I was resting in my room just thinking

I hated times like these where I was slowly getting depressed and all my painful memories came flooding back to me

Painful memories on why I use to smoke or get drunk.

The memory of when I got abused and raped they all came back.

I started to hurt mentally I didn't know what to do

I could feel my eyes starting to tear up

All of my memory scenes playing in my head

Why must the pain come back and make me realize all of the struggle I went through?

All I wanted to do was make this pain stop

I rose from my bed

"Even on good days I still think of killing myself"

My head hurting from all of the street I was doing after remembering all this pain

Someone help me......

Maybe I was just being used.....

It was now that I realised tears were on my face

I wanted to scream

To scream to make the pain go. Away

No one never understands how hurt I am feeling

Someone save me from these memories

My throat started to get filled with a lump and I knew I was crying to much and too hard

I want to be free

I want an easy way from this hardship called life

It's ok to not be ok.....

But is it ok for the pain to make me feel not ok

Is it ok to just keep breathing everyday holding on and pushing the pain to the back of my head when I know it will come rushing back.....

I want this pain to leave me alone

I finally have peace growing in me why must I feel this now

Am I being tested to see how far my happiness or peace is.

While wrapped up in my thoughts I had a sharp object in my hand

I brought it to my wrist my mind no longer in charge but my heart was

And my heart was ready to give up on all of this pain

I watched at a red spot fell onto the floor

I didn't feel anything but my heart felt lighter.

Sariyah pov

I woke out of my sleep after hearing noise and I became confused

Did Daniel leave?

I opened my room door slowly preparing myself for anything that came my way

And I heard crying

Was Daniel crying?

I looked in his room but he wasn't in his bed but the bathroom light was on

I slowly walked towards the door and opened it carefully and stopped in my tracks seeing Daniel's tall figure

I prepared myself for something much worse but not this

I touched Daniel on his arm only to feel him flinch a little at my touch and he slowly turned around looking at me with a blade in his other . I finally saw pain in his eyes I was the little boy in the picture in his room but only sadness in his eyes

"Daniel..." I said

I was trying to find the right words to say to him but I couldnt.

Instead I just hugged him I felt warm tears fall on me as Daniel  started to fall on his knees slowly and he cried silently but harder on my shirt.

I was on the floor with his and just pulled him closer. I wanted to know what was the pain that was inside him that made him do this.

"Don't let me go" he said

"I wont" I told him


Aurthor moment :

So this filler was just to show that Daniel is still battling his pain but it's worse since he is sober and once again this is not apart of the actual book plot itself and sorry for the sad chapter I almost cried writing it myself..

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