Chapter 5- Desk Duty

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Authors note: This is a bit of a slow chapter, but contains mega tiva!!! :) I am writing as much as I can. I LOVE IT! P.S, did you notice I got the cover fixed? ~Cam


Chapter 5- Desk Duty

            Work seemed to pass by surprisingly fast. Since this morning, we’ve been searching the hooded man’s, Brian Alician, background information. He was currently in the interrogation room, with McGee and Tony behind the window hidden in the glass. Gibbs was probably making the man wet himself in fear by now, the best part of every interrogation.

            And I was assigned to desk duty.

            I sighed loudly in self-pity. I was FINE, just different. In fact, I could be of a great help in the field with my speed and strength. But, telling all of them could risk my life. On top of that, all I can think of right now was blood. Tangy, sticky, and completely irresistible. I just wanted to sink my fangs into the flesh of a delicious human, having the iron, bittersweet taste of their blood flow into my mouth. I was starving, and now my mouth was watering with fangs hanging out in my little blood fantasy.

            I could hear the voices of Tony, McGee, and Gibbs from inside the elevator. They were coming up to the bullpen. I shook my head hard, trying to rid the thoughts of the amazing red liquid I wanted so badly. My fangs reduced and I was able to focus on my computer now. Tony came striding by my desk, a bright smile on his face.

            “I don’t believe him, but he was very convincing,” he stated, obviously talking about the interrogation.

            “What did he say?” I asked rather eagerly.

            “He claims he was trying to help our dead sailor, Mr. John-Doe, and won’t back down from his story. We’re going to interrogate him tomorrow,” Tony stated.

            “Gibbs,” I turned to him as he sat as his desk, “can I interrogate Alician tomorrow?”

            “No, I will be doing the interrogating. You need to feel better, David,” he said. He didn’t understand! I could hear the heartbeats of everyone in the room; I could smell the anxiety on their bodies! I could easily see if Alician was lying.

            “Please, Gibbs,” I begged, “I can get to him.”

            Gibbs peered at me with skeptic, icy blue eyes that usually made his gaze that much more intimidating. His eyes were human still though; they were not the electric, glowing blue that came with being a vampire. Gibbs stared at me, and I could almost here the parts- no, gears- turning in his head as he considered what I had just said.

            “Alright…” he sighed. I smiled brightly at him.

            For the rest of the day we tried to identify the sailor in the park. Time crept by and soon it was around 5 o’clock, and Gibbs gruffly told us to go home. I started to pack up, and Gibbs stopped by my desk, saying;

            “Feel better Ziver,” his eyes scanning mine. I gulped, seeing his eyes scan mine. He knew something was up.

            “Of course, Gibbs,” I uttered. He nodded and left the bullpen. I could feel Tony’s eyes on me, and I fought back a smile. I met his eyes from across the bullpen, gazing into those emerald pools of wonder. He gave me a cocky grin and I couldn’t help but smile at him in a teasing, seductive way. I loved our excommunicated conversations. This one held the unspoken promises of a teasing war about to happen.

            “So, any plans tonight Zee-Vah? Any man waiting to take care of you?” He waggled his eyebrows. I snorted.

            “So I got dizzy today, and throughout the day-“ I lied, only to keep the secret of not handling the sight of blood at the crime scene. “Besides, I am honestly not that sick Tony. And to answer your question, no there is no one waiting for me,” I glared.

            “C’mon, there has to be some poor sucker waiting for the infamous ninja,” he nudged me. If he only knew I wanted him to be that poor sucker… I thought.  I wanted him almost more than blood I had so desperately needed today. I wanted to kiss his full, teasing lips until I couldn’t anymore.

            “No one Tony. What about you? Some blond bimbo laying in your bed right now?” I teased. It hurt me to think about that though. I wanted him to be mine.

            “Nope, just a six-pack of beer,” he smiled. I almost sighed in relief.

            “You wanna come over and watch a movie, like we used to?” He murmured. My heart leapt at that idea, but I remembered that I had to help Selene.

            “Not tonight, Tony,” I sighed. I wanted to be with him so badly.

            “Why not?” He disappointedly asked.

            “I need my rest, but I would love to any other time,” I smiled. He nodded in understanding. And then I was on my way home, and then to wander the streets for Selene.

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