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She venomously told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most ardent of my obsessions for her magnetically vivacious silhouette; the majestic swish of her hair with every puff of exuberant wind,

She raunchily told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most inimitably benign sacrifices that I'd done; to ensure that she perpetually blazed in the heaven
of eternally fructifying prosperity,

She impeachingly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
mellifluously heartfelt songs; that I'd indefatigably penned for her astoundingly mesmerizing grace,

She unforgivably told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
impeccably endless of my prayers to the Almighty Lord; to miraculously alleviate her from the corpses of inexplicably asphyxiating cancer and disease,

She ominously told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most blazingly unfettered triumphs; that I had perennially secured to keep her an infinite kilometers away from the hedonistically sodomizing devil,

She truculently told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
wonderfully royal artistry; that I had tirelessly assimilated from the fathomlessly unceasing Universe; to solely blend with the sacred imprints of her feet,

She ruthlessly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
fervent of my palpitations; my every beat which'd throbbed for none other on
this boundless Universe; but her divinely grace,

She uncouthly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
sincere of my efforts to keep awake all treacherously esoteric night; so
that she snored in the aisles of invincibly heavenly paradise,

She brashly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most unlimited of my therapies to magically mollify her brutally estranged existence; with the wings of timelessly liberated sensuousness,

She horrifically told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
philanthropic of my attempts; to forever blend every ingredient of her priceless blood with the unassailable religion of mankind,

She lividly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most undefeatable of my feelings for her wholesome wellness; every tyrannically distraught tear of hers blissfully metamorphosed into a gorge of unshakable happiness,

She pugnaciously told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
spell bindingly unparalleled of my infatuations for her; the countless nights of hell in which I'd miserably writhed and grunted; just to ethereally capture a singleton of her enamoring smiles,

She emotionlessly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
unbreakable winds of timeless friendship; which I'd forever wanted to celestially enshroud her with,

She unabashedly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
sacredly potent of my virility; the seeds of everlastingly beautiful compassion that I had unflinchingly sown into her innocuous soul,

She vindictively told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
jubilantly effulgent of my expressions; everytime when I sighted her unconquerably enchanting shadow,

She unsparingly told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most earnest of my possessiveness for her; unimaginably strangulating myself every instant with parasitically alien poison; just so that she unchallangably ruled every iota of the environment like the ultimate princess of her time,

She vituperatively told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most supremely optimistic things that I had done; to enlighten every pore of her despairingly bereaved flesh; towards a sky of vivaciously silken ecstasy,

She obnoxiously told me; that her heart had never ever loved even the most
Omnisciently Immortal covering of my breath for her; when she was haplessly
tottering on the coffins of inevitably squelching death,

And whilst she mercilessly told me that she hated me an infinite times in
her heart for the infinite things of godly goodness that I'd countlessly showered upon her; I humbly asked her as to whether in the first place; she did indeed "Have a Heart at all" .

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 15Where stories live. Discover now