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So i,ve always not liked bulling of course but my whole outlook on it changed when I read Dip Dyed which is here on wattpad go check it out, and watched a video on people who have actually gotten bullied. I really really REALLY dislike it. Its not fair. the people who get bullied usually get bullied because they don't fit in or they're different. But if you actually got to know them you'd see that they're just like you they're sweet and interesting. Bullying is just down right wrong. Please don't bully and if you see someone bulling someone else, try and stand up for that person. xx

"you can do it Milagro its 10 minutes, after that you'll be safe at home"

I don't like riding the bus but I have no choice, my mom cant afford gas money we use the car when we really need to be somewhere. Like my doctors appointments.

My mom works two jobs to provide for me and my little sister Janice.

There are 5 boys in middle school who pick on me on the bus. They poke me, they punch, kick, and spit on me. I don't know why I don't even know their names. I've done nothing to them, im just different I guess. My mom says i'm unique and they're jealous of me. At first I believed her but now that i'm in 7th grade, and I know thats that's not why. I am Different,

I was born 103 days early. I wasn't expected to live past 24 hours. That's why my names milagro it means miracle in Spanish. She says I'm her miracle. I love my mom she'll always believe in me. I've told her about the boys who pick on me and she's talked to the school, all they do is say "we'll handle it", but they haven't and its been about 5 months since she's told them. I know they're not going to ever do anything.

I try and avoid the bullies but they follow me. I have to deal with them for ten minutes. But those are the worst ten minutes of my life. They hurt me I have bruises and cuts from them all. I've heard a story about a boy who took his own life from being bullied everyday at school. I've thought about taking my own life as well, I cant deny that. But coming home and seeing my mom smile even after a hard day of work and my little sister playing around in the living room, that. . . . . . .

that is what keeps me away from the negative thoughts and helps me to enjoy my miraculous life and to brush of those 10 minutes.

Join the movement, help save a life www.thebullyproject.com

thanks guys ily and you are a beautiful blessing xoxo

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