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Addison's POV

I woke up to the annoying loud alarm, smashing the off button as I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

I walked over to my closet, grabbing my make-up and outfit before walking to the bathroom and turning on the shower.

I stripped of my clothes and got in, letting the water rush down my body. I put in extra volume shampoo and left it in for a few minutes before washing it out.

I put a very small amount of conditioner and walked it out, running my hands through my extremely silky hair.

"Addison!" My mom yelled "breakfast!"

"Be down in a little while" I yelled back finishing my shower.

I got out and put on my outfit, makeup, and blow drying my hair.

I rushed downstairs to see that Ethan, my bestfriend, was already here

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I rushed downstairs to see that Ethan, my bestfriend, was already here.

I grabbed a granola bar and ran out to his truck, grabbing my bag before I left.

"Hey Addy" Ethan says as I shut the door.

"Hey Ethan" I replied as he began to pull out of my driveway.

"Don't you think that outfit is a little inappropriate for school?" He asked, acting like he was my big brother.

"If it was another girl you would have already jumped on her if she was wearing what I am" I claimed rolling my eyes.

"There's a difference" he defends himself "you're like my little sister and they are just not like you Addy, you're genuine and they doing give a fuck"

"Sure" I sigh "but you act like I can't wear something I want to, plus I want to impress Nate, since you know, he's my boyfriend"

Ethan cringed at the word 'boyfriend'

"That doesn't mean you should look like you do" he says through his teeth.

"Stop acting like I'm going to school with nothing on!" I yell annoyed

He slams the breaks in the middle of the road.

"Don't you see!" He yells "I'm trying to protect you from those fuckboys who don't know how to control their sexual urges!"

"Then why do you hang out with me?!" I shout "you just described how you are with every girl in the fucking school!!!!"

Everything goes silent as I realize what I just told Ethan, my bestfriend.

Ethan slams his foot on the gas as he speeds through the streets.

"Ethan slow down!" I yell as he clenches the steering wheel, clenching his jaw. He doesn't listen to me and before I knew it we were at school. He parked the truck and sat there, still clenching the steering wheel.

My Bestfriend's A Fuckboy \\ Ethan Dolan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now