Another Day (5sos & Ariana Grande)

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Hi, I'm Ariana. Ariana Grande. I don't really know why you're reading this. Or why you care about my sad life. Well I don't know if I really do have a life. I mean, if I do, it's terrible. Sorry, I'm getting off topic. Anyways, I always get bullied. No, not by just one person. By four Australian boys, actually. That doesn't seem fair, does it? 4 boys against one tiny girl. Sigh. Alright well now I guess it comes to the point where I tell you about them?

The first one is Luke. Luke Hemmings. Luke is quite tall. I mean, this guy looks like a tree. You could possibly mistake him for a building. Luke is the most mean to me. Which isn't fair. He's tall, and really built. I don't have any chance of ever getting past him, not that I would ever want to though. If I do, well, let's just say things wouldn't be too bright. Luke says really mean things to me, beats me till I'm blue and bleeding, and throws shit at me. Luke has blonde hair, blue eyes, and has a lip ring. I don't know why girls find him hot, he's a dick.

The second one is Calum Hood. Ahh, yes, Calum. The one who usually pins me up against the wall for either any of the other boys in his 'clique' (I'll tell you about all of them) or Luke to beat me till I'm blue, or he usually just sexually uses me. Yep. That means he makes out with me or uses me in a sexual way. Once, I sucked his um, private part. If I don't obey him, he literally will take a bat and beat me till I look half dead. I hate him. Badly. Here's a description of Calum. He has weird fluffy black hair, he has brown eyes, and he's Asian or something. I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that he's dick number 2.

The third one is Michael. Michael Clifford. Michael is usually the one who throws shit at me and slams me against the wall whenever he walks past me. It hurts like hell. He once threw a chair at me, and threw a fork at me. Yes, a fork and a chair. That boy is mad. I could have died so many times just getting near these guys. I hate them. I don't know how many times I've said that, but I mean it with all of my heart. I don't usually hate people, but these boys are driving me insane. Here's a description of Michael. His hair is in a different hair color everyday. Like, one day it's blue, the next it could be pink. This makes me lucky because you can literally spot this guy from a mile away. That gives me a chance to run. He has brown eyes...I don't describe people that well. But if it helps, he's dick number 3.

Last but not least, the terrible, Ashton Irwin. Ashton has dirty blonde hair and I think brown eyes? I have no idea. He's so rude, though. Every time he sees me, he pulls my hair. Really fucking hard, too. Once a whole piece fell out. Ouch. I know. He also once took a pencil and dug it deep into my skin. He's not that bad, I guess. He's usually in the back from the others and only pulls my hair super haft and shoves pencils up my skin. That's not that bad. Well...i don't know. They're all pretty bad. So that's dick number 4.

You're probably wondering, "Ariana, why do you get bullied?" And I have the answer to your question. I'm the nerd of the whole school. I'm a loner. I'm the kid in the class that shoves their face in a good book. I'm the kid that sits alone at lunch. I'm the kid who has no friends. Why don't I have friends? Well, the four boys ruined my chance of ever having friends. They ruined my life.

[The next morning]

"Ariana wake up, you're going to be late for school again!" I sigh. Why doesn't my mom realize that I hate school? And that there are four boys ready to ruin my life? Ugh.

I change into some long jeans and long sleeved-shirt. I run downstairs, gobble down some of my oat-meal, and grab my backpack. "Do I really have to go?" I frowned. "You'll be fine, sweetie." My mom said as she kisses my for-head. She says that every morning. I say goodbye to Frankie and walk out the door.

I usually would wear a nice sundress and some comfortable shoes, but because of the boys, I have to hide my scars and bruises. Sigh.

I enter the school-bus and someone has thrown something at me. Wow, what a surprise. (I'm sarcastic oops) I open up the paper and it reads "Why so ugly, bitch?-Lukie Pookie xx" I'm actually not that ugly. I have my hair down and straightened. It's kinda blonde. My eyes are big and brown. My skin is pretty tan. I'm short, I'm 5'1. I don't really have boobs, but I have an ass. Kinda.

I sigh at Luke's note and walk down all the way at the end of the bus. Why is Luke even here? He never takes the bus. Great, this day just keeps getting better and better.

I take a seat until my heart drops. Why is Luke coming near me? Oh, great.

"Hey, Ari."

He sits next to me.

"Don't call me that." I said that with an attitude. Oops.

"Watch your attitude, slut." Did he really just call me a slut?

"I-I" Now I'm stuttering. Smooth Ariana. Great.

"What? Too much dick?" He smirked.

"I'm not a slut." I say as I gulp.

"Haha! Yea! Sure!" He laughs like the idiot he is.

"I'm still a virgin." I whisper. Thank God he couldn't hear me.

He laughs harder.

"EVERYONE, ARIANA IS A VIRGIN!" He screams loud enough for anyone to hear

"Shut up, you dick." Oh my God. Ariana why'd you say that.

All I hear is "Oooooos" coming from everyone.

Luke stands up, and pulls me from my hair. He slams me to the ground. Oh no. What will he do next? I'm dead meat. Oh no. No.

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