Chapter 9

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(Eddie's P.O.V)
I woke up by the tree. I looked around. 'Wheres Aleks?' I wondered. Oh yah, he left. Tears were brought to my eyes again. I let them freely roll down my cheeks as I stood up. I walked over to the fence where he jumped. I should go look for him, someone might hurt him, or he'll hurt himself. I came into realization and quickly jumped over the fence. I ran and followed his footprints. He ran a lot. I soon ran out of breath and began to walk. His footsteps led to an open space. There was blood, lots of it. A tree had a dented hole in it. Aleks, what did you do? I seen different footprints lead somewhere else. I followed them. They led me to tire tracks. No, no, this can't be happening. Not again, not to him. They couldn't of taken him, he's smarter than that. I started crying more and ran back to the house. My sides hurt and I felt like I was breathing fire, but I ran anyway. I made it to the house and ran into Jordan's room. He was on his computer.
"Jordan! A-Aleks I-I-s..." I stuttered and collapsed on the floor.
"Woah, Eddie calm down. Breathe, in and out" I calmed down "now tell me what's wrong"
"Aleks, we got in a fight and he ran. He...he was took to a prison. We need to get him back!" I started freaking again. Jordan gave me a hug and I cried.
"We'll get him get him back, I'll go get all the creatures." He said giving me another hug and leaving. I made my way to the conference room. I sat in my chair and tried to pull myself together. I wiped my tears away and all the guys came in except ze. They all sat down.
"Where's ze?" I asked.
"He's still to hurt to fight," Jordan said. I nodded.
"What the fucks going on!" James said impatiently.
"Aleks and Eddie got in a fight and Aleks ran away. Eddie said he got taken to another prison." Jordan explained. I burrowed my head in my arms.
"Well, let's go see where the tracks lead," Seamus suggested. I got out of my chair and nodded. They all got up and followed.
We soon got to the tire tracks. Dan knelt down and wiped some of the dirt on his fingers.
"It's fresh," he said.
"No dip Sherlock. They got in the fight yesterday," Seamus, the smartass, said. We followed the trail and it led to a familiar prison. Rhinestone fucking prison. I growled in anger and headed for the front door. James grabbed my arm before I got far.
"Let me go!" I shook my arm but he squeezed harder.
"We need to prepare. You'll die if you go straight in there," James said sternly. I growled and nodded.
"He's right. Let's go prepare," Dan said. I started walking back with the guys behind me. 'Ill save you Aleks'

(Alek's P.O.V you thought I would end the chapter there, didn't you?)
"Where is their base" 'master' calmly said. I looked her in the eye and said nothing. "Don't make this hard on yourself, babe. Tell me where their base is." She strokes my cheek. Fucking whore. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I spat at her. She gasped and wiped the spit away, again. "Be that way," she growled.
"Wanna tell me now?" I said nothing.
*whip* I whimpered in pain.
"Come on bitch. Tell me," I looked at the ground and stayed quiet. She lit her cigarette and burned me with it. I stayed silent trying to hide the pain.
"Your making this harder on yourself," she whispered in my ear.
It got blurry
Black spots appeared
Silence and darkness......

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