Chapter 7

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I spent the better part of the night in the room thinking up a plan of escape when suddenly my tummy cursed me for my pride but I wanted nothing to do with him ever and what did it mean to be his mate? Not that I'll be around long enough to find out, tonight I would escape back to my village and never have to see him again
'Ok rose, that's it a little lower' I found some pieces of cloth in the rooms opposite of his not to mention his bed sheets that made a perfect escape tool 'serves you right for kidnapping me, now I'll spite you by using your very expensive sheets' I smiled proud of myself 'now where do i go from here?' I was on the ground checking my surroundings 'no guards, hmmm that's strange' but the time for thinking was over, so I set off into the dark forest to escape my prison and my captor.

'Freedom here I come' just then a tree branch broke to my right, then one to my left
'Hm must be a raccoon or something' so I just kept on walking, soon I heard foot steps behind me which stopped as I did then began walking again when I did 'what the hell?'
"Why looky here, if it isn't a human out for a mid night stroll?" I slowly turned around to see a huge bulky looking man standing before me, teeth barred and prestigeinly white, dilated beady black eyes with a smirked placed on his lips "oh this aught to be fun"
"Wh..who are you?" I was trembling with fright, a werewolf stood before me and all I could do was watch as he stalked towards me like a predictor stalking its pray
"Am jerupa, a rogue banished from my pack years ago for raping the alphas sister, stupid little brat couldn't keep her mouth shut" he spat
'Ok rose keep him talking till you find a way of escape' "so why did you rape her?"
"She was in heat, her mate couldn't get to her in time and I just happened to be passing by" he smiled
"That's selfish"
"Is it really, she needed a release, all I did was provide her one not to mention the lovely gift I left her with"
"What's that?" As he got closer I stepped farther away
"I impregnated her"
"What! How? I thought only mates could impregnate another"
"Well you see when a wolf is in heat, as long as she has intercourse its a must that she gets pregnant" he shrug his shoulder nonchalantly
"But why did you do it?"
"The alpha was suppose to make me his beta, but he chose that brat instead"
"So you decided to pay him back?'
"Yes, not to mention her damn mate was the brat to become beta. Since then I've been on the run but now stumbling upon you has just made all my running worth while" he licked his lip hungrily
"Please, don't hurt me" I pleaded
"Your not marked which means you don't belong to anyone, so taking you without thinking of the consequences should be a breeze"
'Oh god, please I wish I was back at the castle, I wish I hadn't left, I wish Xavier would just forgive me for leaving am sorry'

'Well you did tell Xavier you'd prefer death than to be with him' plagued my conciense
'Yes but I didn't know that Mr. Death would've actually heard my wish'
'Now your stupidness is going to get you killed'
'Just shut up and leave me be, your not helping'
'You cheated death once little girl, do you think he'll let you cheat him again' and she was right, this was the end of me and I would never get to tell Xavier that was sorry

Xavier's p.o.v

I had just finished talking to my mother about finding my mate and she being human to which she was excited but I had to have her promise not to tell dad, he hated the humans for what they did to aunty Lucinda but she was a witch and not a good one
"Rose" I knocked on the door lightly "rose" I called again entering the now dark room searching for any signs of her but her sent led me to the window where I saw a make shift rope descended down the side of the house
"Shit" I cursed mind linking two of my most trusted guards and cousins to help me search for her so we split up in teams "damn you to the high heavens, rose if you ever die on me again I swear you'll be severely punished after I bring you back to life

"Please, you don't have to do this" I heard her voice pleading
"No ones here to stop me" snarled the fully transformed beast ready to go in for the kill
"No!" I screamed using my super speed to push him far away from her
"Grrr, you just messed with the wrong wolf" he seethed
"And you have no idea who your up against" I smirked standing between him and rose
"Your just a prick with make believe super powers"
"No I am a god with real super powers"
"You are no god, and I didn't come alone, us rogues travel in pairs" he snarled
"Oh so there's two of you, good to know. Come rose its time to go" I took her into my arms
"This isn't over yet"
"Yea you have to fight us" shifted another flanking his right
"Ahhh you guys wouldn't even last two minutes if you chose to fight me but I'll leave my guards to deal with you two, they haven't had any fun in quite some time"
"Why don't you fight us yourself?" Retorted one
"Yea are you chicken?" asked the other
"Because I don't find it amusing to prolong an already won battle but my men on the other hand just love to torture people, I say they are very skilled crafts men. Guards" I called them out from the shadows
"Yes our king" they bowed in respect
"I got you toys to play with, do with them as you please"
"Thank you my lord" said Cody
"Yes this aught to be fun" snickered Bruno
"Good am going home" I looked down at rose to ensure she wasn't hurt "your in so much trouble mi amor" i whispered into her ear causing her to shiver.

And when am done with her, she'll be like putty in my hands.

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