Exciting news for Phoenix

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    At the young age of fourteen Phoenix Dunklee thought she knew everything, but she was wrong. Little did she know that in less than twenty four hours her entire life would be changed and how she handled it would determine weather or not it was for the better or for the worse.
     "Phoenix!" her mother, Coco, called. Phoenix rushed down the stairs to greet her mom. If she did not arrive within seconds of her calling her name, her mother would start to cry and would not stop until Phoenix and all of her sisters each ate 12 carrots.
       "Yes, Madam Coco?" Phoenix inquired. Everyone in the house had to refer to Coco as Madam Coco because if they did not she would throw up until everyone ate seven large cucumbers.
      "Were all going to LA for six days." Phoenix was ecstatic, she was not excited to be spending time with her family, but she knew that Rolf Jacob Sartorius, her one true love, lived in LA. All Phoenix planned on doing for their vacation was findJacob and convince him to marry her. She could no longer contain her excitement so she dropped into her splits and started twerking like a high quality stripper.
       The next day Phoenix packed her bags and put on her favorite airport outfit, which was a gold bedazzled thong and a red leather push up bra. This was her good luck outfit for when she went to the airport because every time she wore it her flight was never delayed and people would stare at her and she loved the attention. To finish off her out fit she work black studded stilettos because they were easy to slip on and off in security and the black color of the stilettos contrasted nicely with the white color of her platinum blonde hair.
       "Come on, Phoenix! We need to leave now if we want to make it to the airport on time," her dad, gwaacawaca yelled. Phoenix ran down the stairs pulling her neon pick cheetah print suitcase down behind her. Everyone else in her family was already in the car. This did not surprise Phoenix though since she could tell they obviously spent very little time getting ready to leave. Her sister, Clover, was wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt, it was clear she was wearing the first thing that she found in her closet that morning however she was wearing a full face of makeup. Clover always covered her face in green makeup, like malefficent, because she thought it made her blue eyes stand out. Phoenix's brother spent even less time getting ready. He wore only a pair of skin tight leather black pants and a black bow tie.
     They drove to the airport, but everything was a blur for Phoenix, all she could think about was how she was going to find Jacob sartorius in only a few hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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