3 ~ Imaginary

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I walk over to the door and open it.

Three cops. Three cars, two of which has more cops coming out. An ambulance.

"Hello Trees." One says.

They walk past me and do their job.

I walk out and run to the Forest. Thunder comes rolling in with the heavy rain. I go into my cavern and light the candles then quickly close the opening so the wind doesn't burst through the door to blow out the candles.

I unlock my phone and it's 9:17 PM.

I have a notebook and pencils nearby whenever I want to draw or write. I try to pluck lyrics from my mind and create songs but they turn horrible. I flip past the pages and turn to a specific page. I read these lyrics.

Strangers meant for each other
Overcome by madness
Ripped to shreds by the light
Never been better
There's never been a cause

Open up then close it shut
Never know what it'll do
The demons roam
The angels pass
No one knows what'll happen next

They'll drag you over
What's next is near
But if you say goodbye
I'll say goodnight

The madness over whelms
The ripped shreds
The demonic heads
Bob one by one
The angels fly
As we say goodnight
And the light will close us shut

Don't say goodnight or we'll say goodbye.

I sigh as the lyrics roam my mind on how I can change them. They are horrible. I can't do anything. I have no point in life. So I start to sketch. Sketch the two people I saw from memory. I saw it and remember it so vividly.

The girl. Pitch black hair that compliments her black eyes that stare into my soul. Skin that was lightly tanned in the dark but not too tanned. A short person with a slender body, the opposite of me. I am tall and an average weight. She wears full black like a ghost that is on the dark side. Ripped on the sides, dirt on her forehead and clothes. Her shirt is baggy and her pants droop down from the rain. Short and nicely shaped nose. A lip that has been chapped and chewed onto that it bleeds. A big scar across her arm, not by self-harm but by something else that it makes the scar a dark shade of red that it looks like it's not even blood.

The boy is tall and slender. Brown hair, and ocean blue eyes. Furrowed eyebrows that looks like he's going to eat my heart out. Pale but peachy skin. His clothes are full white. Opposite of the girl. They're clean and have no rips unlike her, though he is still drenched in the rain water. Long and thin nose. A mouth that is chapped but is still bleeding. Two big scars on his fist that makes an X almost.

Both stare. Expressionless.

I finished the drawing, mindless, I just put the book away.

I lay down ready to sleep here, I've done it before.

Over the loud thundering and pouring rain I hear footsteps and leaves being crushed under someone's feet.

"Hello?" They quietly say, almost a whisper.

I go outside to go and see who it is.

Silence. Nobody.

I look around to check if anybody left footprints or left.

No sign. Plus, if they left I would've heard. I go back inside an just forget about it and go to sleep.


I wake up to 15 text messages and 3 missed calls from Forest.

I put my phone away and push away the blockage. I step outside and it's still raining, it's 4:36 AM, it's dark, pouring, and thundering loudly. I go back inside to sketch.

I flip through the pages to a fresh new page to draw something. Someone came to mind, a stranger I have never seen before but I tried to draw them.

A girl. Short in fact. Glossy brown hair, a brunette. Bright green eyes mixed with some brown and blue. A big smile...but creepily eerie. Hands formed into a fist. Skin peachy but slightly dark. A small nose. A scar on her cheek. Standing there silently with a smile on her face.

I finish and flip to the next page contemplating on what to do next.

A/N: Sorry this one is long, I also apologize for the interruption. School started and I am stacked with papers so sorry if I post late! My Instagram is @jish_n_tyjo_clique bye

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