Kpop and all you other korean bands

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OHHHHH FUCCCKKKK YOUUUUU YOU FUCKKKINGGGG WEEEEEBBBS. GET A SOMETHING FROM YOUR OWN FUCKIN CULTURE AND STOP WRITING YOUR MOTHER FUCKING FAN FICs ABOUT THEM. I mean come the fuck on y'all are like 12 they are like OK they are fucking Korean God knows how old they are they look like fucking 12-year-old boys bad that you're never gonna fuck you get it through your tiny ass brains they are pop stars you are a fucking 12-year-old girls and maybe boys on the fuck you are but you need to get it through there, they're not gonna fuck you they don't want to fuck you get they can fuck whoever they want they aint gonna fuck you. Take it from another girl they don't want you, they aint gonna want you so stop with your fucking fanfics know that's out-of-the-way can you fucking get all the fucking fan girls out of America you want them so much she can go to Korea you can eat whatever they eat and you can worship whatever they like you can like whatever they like it do whatever they do you fucking weirdos you can fucking like that like you could be a Korean if you want to like with that like go to their fucking culture do what do you fucking do is you're going to be a weaboo OK so just fucking K pop there are more Korean friends I just don't fucking know the name of them because I don't see you miss much I don't care to look them up I don't care about songs I can't fucking understand and you were like oh you're not Korean you won't understand bitch you're not Korean either you don't understand either so I want you to take their tiny fucking Korean dicks and shove them up your ass thank you. Im done now.

P.s stop using fucking asian guys as your profile pics there gonna get this app see you having them as their profile pic and get a fucking restraining order 😐

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