part 10

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They didnt have anything today so everyone went out except Momo and Jungkook.
Jungkook's Pov
I was kinda bored since theres nothing to do.So,i decided to go in Momo's room?
When i knocked on her bedroom door,she opened it and looks at me shocked.
Momo:so,what do you want? you wanna watch a movie or something?
Jungkook:come on then..
In the living room~
Momo's pov~
Its been hours since me and jungkook are watching the movies..and all the movies are horror movies and good thing for me cause it rained..aigooo.. but whenever there's a lightning or thunder,I will hold on to Jungkook's hand? I think my feelings for him grew deeper..Aish..
Jungkook's pov~
I can't get over on how cute Momo was..when there's a lightning,she holds on to my hand..aish shes so cute and beautiful..Wait jungkook? What are u saying?U have fallen for Hirai Momo from Twice.
After the movie~
Momo fell asleep in the living room while watching the horror movie.
Jungkook:omo?she fell asleep?aigoo
*jungkook lifts momo up and carries her to her room*

momo x jungkook {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora