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Reece Lola Maloley - Banks
Later that day

Everybody switched their seats for the car ride. Hayes was upfront while I drived. Cara and Cole were in the back and we took my aunt Stassie's hummer instead for comfort. Hayes being the clingy baby he is laid his head on my lap while HE took a nap. I drove this way before so I wanted to...these fuckers can't stay up to keep me company at all except for Cole he was up the whole time.

I used one of my hands and played in Hayes's hair and used the other one to drive as best as I can...I used my other hand when I needed to.

I decided to get some info for Cara...about Cole...

"So Cole...how do you feel about Cara?" I asked looking in the rear view mirror

"She's cool...cute...pretty...smart...well Basically me" he said

"You're both a little cocky" I said rolling my eyes

"I'm not cocky...I just know I'm amazing" he said

"Says one of the smartest boys in our graduating class"I said quickly looking down at Hayes

"Yea...I'm one of many...ugh...and your little freak boy is one of em too" he said making me smile

" yeaaa" I said smiling

"How are you guys?" He asked

"We're fine I guess...we've had a few issues here and there but we fix em" I said sighing

"You guys seem happier around each other...well Hayes...whenever we hang out without you which is least likely...he seems down...not like ohhh fuck the world sad...but like he misses you...when you guys broke up for that week again I actually saw him cry...literal tears...he punched a wall making a hole in the gym wall in my apartment complex" Cole said

"Really" I asked getting off the exit

"Yea...he really loves you a lot Cee" Cole said making me smile

"I know he does" I said

"You may know he loves you...but you don't know how much...he talks about you everyday...you know how in gym his progress reports say he's distracted...it's because of you" Cole said

"Wait that's bad...he's supposed to pay attention...I'm a distra-" I said worried

"It's just gym...in other classes he's fine...he's one of the smart kids like us" he said

"How'd this go from you and Cara to Hayes and I?" I asked chuckling

"Because I made it like that..." He said I saw him smirking through the mirror

"Ohhhh you slick motherfucker" I said laughing

"Well yea...couldn't let you know I actually like someone..." He said looking down at her who was sitting on his lap laying her head on his chest sleep.

"Yes!...you need to ask her out!" I said a little to loud making Hayes move and whine on my lap

I rubbed his head softly

"I was planning to do that secretly...but nooo...I'm gonna do it tonight" he said

"Ok" I said smiling

"Wake her up we're here" I said parking the car "Hayes baby wake up" I said caressing his face

He didn't wake up instead he smuggled more into my stomach.

"HAYES!" I yelled in his face making him slowly open his eyes glaring at me

He sat up in his seat and yawned stretching before looking around.

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