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Your heart pounds away, your head throbbing and legs sore, a heavy feeling dragging you down. It was unintentional, but it happened; it finally happened. You did it and now voices are going wild in your head. Your skin is covered in red and the shimmering tears of gold; your tears, in fact. WHY AM I RUNNING? I NEED TO STOP,  You scream at yourself. Really, why? There's no one behind you, no one near you, not a single person around to hurt you. Nothing, no one, not a soul. It's because you're fleeing from a scene that isn't so pleasant and is quite sickening. Fleeing with no one to follow; the only reason you're moving is fear. Fear, anger, and many others that aren't available to the mind or mouth; basically, they can't be thought of or spoken. It hurts to even think, but knowing you can't stop doing such, you refuse to complain, even in your head. Your feet hit the ground, one in front of the other, loud taps coming from your boots against the road. Which road? How long have you been running? Where are you? What…what are you doing? What's going on? You begin to slow down, but an all too familiar sound forces you to go faster than before. Sirens. The dead, chilling wail of a machine. This…what? Is this the end? The last time a friend, or a family member, or anything else sees your face? They start to get louder; the policeman must've taken a shortcut. What if they're looking for someone else? No, no, that isn't likely. Not possible. You're the only one that ran; at least, the only one who was seen running. With your open wounds leaking, all of your blood on your hands and arms, it looks like you killed someone; possibly a few people. Probably a few.

Something else provokes your mind; not more sirens, not a car stopping, not a scream, but the dinging noise when a train is on the tracks and the bars are coming down. But…no, no, scratch that. You are at the train tracks. Police or death? Another anxiety attack or a way out? Fuck it. Those are the only words in your mind before your dash across the tracks. Despite your fear, you've made it, thankfully. Your legs, sore and heavy, force you to stop and take a break. Right in the middle of the road; thankfully, it isn't a busy one. With the train roaring behind you, there's a few minutes to think. Possibly 5, maybe 10, depending on if the cops are there. But, since you decided to run back there, 5 is the maximum. You hyperventilate, your stomach keeping a painful pace with your breathing. With your phone in your jacket pockets, backpack full but light, and enough to survive with, you're good for a while. 3 minutes. Two is left. You turn around, just for a minute or two; probably the rest of your time, maybe more. You put your hands on your hips, your eyes focused on the train's battle cries and speed. It's interesting to see such an old thing keep going; to you, anyways.

5 minutes. You turn around and pick a slower but quick pace up. The train is still going, but it's best to be ahead; even if the police isn't coming for you. Even if there's something else they're attending to.

It hurts to know what happened. That everything had come crashing down in that fucking fire; your childhood, your old memories, where you grew up…everything just had to go to shit. It all happened when no one was paying attention. Maybe a witness or two, but not you or anyone near you.


It hits you. Those train tracks were built as a warning; maybe even a reminder or a flashback creator. Those train tracks were made as a divide between a human city and a 'dangerous place'. Mt. Ebbot isn't far from where you're at; in fact, about 40 miles. Maybe closer, since it's been a few years since you've been to this area. You slow down to a walking speed, just to focus on this area. It wasn't so overgrown back then; yeah, there were big trees, but not this many. Now it's covered in large trees, extremely tall grass, and flowers you didn't know existed. Has it really been this long? Has it really been so long that  odd new things have formed? You sigh deeply, a heavy and overwhelmed feeling washing over you. This is it. This has to be it. It has to happen.

I'm going to the underground.

You try to start running again, but can't. Your legs refuse to do such again, like they don't know how to. You growl, then sigh. It's fine; it's whatever. Yeah, finding someplace and waiting would be better, but you don't like such an idea. Even if your head is pounding, you need to keep going. This area is still accessible, which means the police can still swing by. You reach behind you, feeling as if something was there, but nothing is. Only your backpack and the hood of your jacket. Well, better get a move on, you say to yourself. Sure, it'll take a while, but it'll be worth it in the end (possibly, probably not). You begin to jog instead of run; this is not going to be pleasant.

•time skip×

You sigh, clenching your fists. Here it is. This old place has overgrown too, and the entrance to the underground is just a big, gaping hole. Despite your fear, there's not alot to do from here except jump or turn back; and turning back would be destructive. Your legs are Jello at this point and are incredibly sore; most of the blood has dried and your wounds are healing slowly. It's either down or out, but you know it'll be down; why not go ahead and go? All this contemplation is useless, as it's only stalling but not yet stopping you. You sigh again, mostly in defeat, and scoot closer to the edge. You sit down, close your eyes, but don't yet slide off because your phone begins to vibrate in your pocket. You reach into your jacket and pull it out; it's just the alarm you set for the weekdays, since that's when you're busiest. You pull off your backpack, slide it into your lap, and put it in a big pocket. You slide it back on, take a final look back, and slide off into the black nothingness that was there. If this kills you, you'll be a happy person; if not, at least you escaped. It may not be better here, but fuck it. There's always shit worth giving up, whether it be a lot or a little.

a/n: aaaaaand done! finally! now when's the next one coming out…? ahaha, we just gotta wait and see. first of all, i hope you know what i mean by 'put it in a big pocket'. y'know, unzip it and slide it into the pocket thingy? no? okay dank. second, if there are any mistakes, please mind those. and third, if this is hard to understand, i'm using first person next chapter and i'm gonna try to not write like this.

i'm sorry for all the 'todays' and 'tomorrows'. i kept getting extremely busy and distracted. i'm sorry, I'm try not to keep doing it again. ily all. stay safe and alive frens.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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