Chapter 7: Perfume Bombs

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Chapter 7

His hands were warm, and comforting. I was relaxed, but excited. All I could hear was my heart pumping blood throughout my body. THE Niall Horan is taking me to prom... we are friends... this is crazy. Crazy because for some reason I feel like I'm not taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I had so many questions for Niall but I didn't want to sound like some addicted fan.

Calm down, pretend Niall is Bethany, 'kay? I looked up and smiled at Niall, then I made an awkward face and slowly looked back at the ground. Okay, note to self, do NOT pretend Niall is one of your friends that are girls.

"Something wrong?" Niall asked. Great, he saw me.

"N-no." I stuttered. He read my mind and said,

"Don't be nervous. I'm not an alien, I'm still your average man." I smiled weakly at him. That helped, but only a little. I was still shaking a bit.

Rebecca, look, you're just making this moment more awkward for both of you by the second! SAY SOMETHING!

"D-do y-you col-lor  your hair?" I got out. You just completely screwed that up. That was worse than saying nothing. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him staring at me, but not in a suprised or 'Oh great I'm standing next to weird person...' He stared at me knowingly. Like he knew all the pressure or 'nervousness' I was going through.

"Sorry..." I said apologizing for my last comment.

"It's okay" He said shrugging it off. I smiled a little.

"Niall..." I started.


"Y-you're..not like other guys..." He smiled faintly, then stopped.

"N-Niall? what's wrong?" I asked. He stared off into space, on one spot. He unleashed his hand from my grip and used it to clutch my shoulder. He leant over and whispered,


"Yeah? What so bad about it?" I said regularly.

"If I'm not mistaken... it leads to the prom room..." Then out of the corner of my eye I saw I 'prissy' pink color flash on and off out of the corner of my eye.

"GO! DON'T BREATHE!" I yelled right before it went off.

"Why?" Niall questioned. I pushed him forwards and down the hallway untill we were well out of range of it.

"What was that?" He asked casually with a hint of suspicion.

"Perfume bomb." I said while heaving in and out deep breaths of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

"Perfume bomb? What's so bad about that?"

"The popular girls made it. It attracts people because it smells really good, and then when you take a good whiff, you faint and they take you into some room."

"So it's like their weapon they use on guys?" He questioned.

"And girls they want revenge on." I answered.

"Does any popular girl want revenge on you?"

"One that was involved in creating this. They also know that you're here now with me so it was probably to get you, too." I stated. He thought for half a minute then said,

"How did you know the bomb was going to go off?"

"I saw a flashing pink light, so be aware of that in this school, 'kay?" I said warningly. He nodded.

So why would the girls put off one of their precious bombs that take four hours to make each just for Niall Horan? Well, use your imagination...


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