Prologue (a future scene)

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Anne slowly walked down the long, dark staircase in her white nightgown. 

"Healthcliff?" she called. He was by the fireplace, cooking a pot of medicinal broth for her.

"Anna, what on earth are you doing out of your bed? It's freezing." Heathcliff asked adding a tone of concern. He wasn't going to hide his feelings of love and concern for her anymore. He'd come to embrace this side of him - the caring loving Heathcliff that Anne Marie has nurtured. He called her Anna though, it was much more affectionate and sexy. 

"Look who's acting like a father?" Anna teased, " I'd like to have a few more years before popping one out, ya know?" He ignored her wink and sighed. 

This was the girl he'd fallen in love with. A complete opposite of himself. Yet as time passed, he was becoming more and more like her. Who would've thought the lion would fall for a lamb?   She was nothing like Catherine. Anna simply let him be and admired him wholeheartedly and unconditionally. She inspired him to find a part of him he thought he'd lost - a happier, gentler, more open, loving and compassionate Heathcliff. This was why he loved her. 

Up the stairs, he went. He bent down and swung one arm across her legs, slumping her onto his masculine shoulders as he marched upwards. 

"Healthcliff!!" She giggled like a little girl, screaming and hitting his back, and swinging and kicking her legs in the cool air. Anna wasn't hesitant. She was totally in her element, knowing with full validation that he loves her and that nothing was gonna set them apart no more. 

"You naughty girl. First you run into the middle of nowhere in the cold rain, getting yourself sick and wet. Then you hop out of bed, dressed in a thin breezy nightgown! Punishments, punishments! Oh yes! My princess, what am I going to do with you?" Heathcliff lectured sternly, yet the endearment and playfulness blossomed above it.

He carried her past her bedroom, and continued until the last room, his bedroom.Gently laying her on his bed, he leaned one arm on the pillow and brushed her forehead with his thumb. He gazed at Anna's face in the lamp lit setting. She was of ordinary beauty but Healthcliff found her beautiful always, particularly that night. 

"Just one more night, " he said, softly. Then he turned to leave. 

She tugged her right hand onto the hem of his shirt and squeezed it to motion him to stay. Ah, Healthcliff, he hesitated and then turned around. And bend down to give her a long, gentle goodnight kiss. It was so alluringly sweet that he almost didn't wanna leave. But he had to keep his word. It was just one more night before... 

Quite early in the morning, she made her way to the other bedroom. His door was ajar like he'd been expecting or somehow hoping she'd come. With an innocent smirk on her face, she stepped in and crawled into his bed. Knowingly, he turned around and embraced her with his arm, pulling her close to him. 

"I knew you'd come." Heathcliff muttered in his sleepy voice.

comment below if you like it! Will add more to the story soon :)  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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