Inazuma Eleven Memes 8!

530 10 7

Pick 10 characters

1. Fudou

2. Gazelle

3. Kazemaru

4. Fubuki

5. Gouenji

6. Burn

7. Endou

8. Aphrodi

9. Kidou

10. Genda

Everyone is going to a dance. 1 goes with 2, 3 with 4, 5 with 6, etc. Are any of these pairings perfect? Are any too messed up to even consider?

Me: 1 and 2.... No, 3 and 4.... S'alright, 5 and 6.... No comment, 7 and 8.... Maybe, 9 and 10.... Ehhh

Everyone: What is she going on about??

4 leaves the dance floor and does not return. When 3 goes to look for him, he finds 4 making out with 8! What happens?

Me: Where's Fubuki and Kazemaru...?

/Muffled screams/

Me: Wha the... 


Aphrodi: *covers Kazemaru's mouth* Don't you DARE tell anyone what you saw

Did 3 and 4 make up?

Fubuki: Kazemaru I-

Kazemaru: I didn't see anything!! *runs away*

Fubuki: ... There's no helping it is there?

Me: What happened? :3

Fubuki: It's nothing Ref-san

What's going through 8's head?

Aphrodi: I hope Kazemaru won't tell anyone...

Me: Won't tell anyone what?

Aphrodi: Gah! How'd you get here??

Me: I write this story. I'm everywhere *does weird hand signals and disappears*

Aphrodi: O.o

Okay, so forget about the dance. If 7+5=x, describe x.

Me: Uh...! *Waves hands around trying to explain*

Burn: Since I sort of know her character I'll explain. 

Me: *nods*

Burn: She says x would be a really good soccer player that would be like Gouenji more then Endou

Me: Good job Burn!

1 has to marry 2, 3, or 9. Who do they choose? Why?

Me: He doesn't get to choose, I do

Fudou: No

Me: It would be Kidou obviously

Fudou: *cracks knuckles*

Me: *cracks knuckles, neck, ankle and elbows* Was that a challenge Fudou

Fudou: *sweatdrops*

Me: I can actually do all of that in real life

6 thinks 1 and 10 belong together. Describe the conversation when 1 and 10 find out.

Fudou: Oh~? I didn't know you were into this sort of stuff, Burn.

Burn: Shut up! I'm not

Fudou: Stop denying it you totally are

Genda/Me: *sits down*

Me: You want popcorn?

Genda: Sure

5 is hired to babysit the children of 2, 4, 8, and 1. How does it go?

Me: Poor Gouenji.... Gazelle's kid was surprisingly calm, Fudou's kid.... Aphrodi's kid was nice to Gouenji so... 

What do these kids look like?

Me: They all look like their parents

If 9 could kiss anyone in this meme, who would they choose?

Kidou: Myself

Me: Geez why didn't you say Fudou? I got my camera ready for that

Kidou: It didn't say I couldn't kiss myself *smirks*

What would happen if 7 walked in on 3 and 6 having sex?

Me: *dies laughing*


Endou: That's okay Kazemaru! I respect your decision! *runs away*

Kazemaru: Wait Endou!

Burn: Che he had to ruin it....

Me: *Whacks Burn* you're not supposed to be liking this you cheater

What does 2 do when their plumbing fails?

Gazelle: *Eats icecream while Burn fixes it*

Why does 6 fear 7?

Me: He does?

Burn: I do?

Endou: You do?

If 8 was dying and only 3 could save them, would they? Why or why not?

Kazemaru: Of course I would save him! He's my friend


Does 2 like cats?

Gazelle: Yes but baby seals are the best


I'm sorry this one was so terrible. Tell me what you think of these questions, I'm getting them from a different site

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