Red Dirt

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Alexander traced the path of an ant in the dirt. Drops of his sweat followed that path. He was no more than ten years old but was just a little taller than a small child.  It was a particularly hot day in Jamaica and Alex's hair stuck to his forehead as if clinging for dear life. He was waiting for his mother to return from the market with some food...if she was lucky. Food was scarce in their household and Alex and his mother's small boney bodies was more than enough proof of that fact. He looked up at the sky . It was clear . No sign of rain anytime soon. Alex sighed. He smelled bad and his throat was dry . He needed water...and a shower.  "Alexanda!!" Alex stood just in time to see his mom coming up the dirt road to their small hut. He smiled happy to see her , but his smile dropped when he saw she had nothing but two coconuts and a sugarcane. He knew he should be grateful, but he couldn't help but feel disappointed. She hoisted up her ripped , dirtstained skirt and sat next to her son on the ground. She picked up the large metal matchetti that sat in the half dry grass next to her and hacked away at one of the coconuts. Alex stood behind his mother's back as small bits and pieces of the shell flew in many different directions. He never understood how his mom managed not to get any of it in her eyes. " Mama, you know when it gonna rain", he asked taking a scoop of the fruit and slurping it's jelly like sweetness. His mother , a short skinny woman of twenty three and of Puerto Rican decent , looked up towards the sky. " Me no know," she said, her patois thicker than the sweat that rolled down her back. Alex sighed as he finished up the coconut. He longed for some mango, but people weren't very fond of others taking their fruits. He always wondered why his mother never just stole one and grew their own tree. He silently vowed to do just that when he got taller. Alex caught a glimps of a couple children walking home from school. He longed to go to school. He collected every bit of paper and newspaper he could find. He had taught himself how to read by reading the labels on bottles and jars, as well as all the signs when he went with his mother to the market. Occasionally,  he would ask a couple people who walked by for help as his mother couldn't read well, but other than that, he was completely self taught. Alex helped her clean out the hut until the sun began to set and the bugs came out to play. He stripped himself naked and put his clothes in a pile on the floor in the corner or their one room home beside the bed. His mother changed into her work frock and spread a but of red lipstick on her lips. Alex felt his heart sink. He hated when she went to work as he didnt like being alone, but  knew it had to be done. " When are you coming back Mama," he asked , even though he knew the answer was never certain. " I don't know. Hopefully in the morning, if not in the evening". Alex lowered his gaze and sat on the bed. She kissed him on the forehead and before he knew it , she was gone. He laid down and turned to face the wall. He knew where she was going. He had to know by now with all the stories he heard all the time from the people in country side. She was a sex worker. It was a shameful title to carry , but it paid well. Alex swore one day she would never have to sleep with strangers ever again. He fantasized about moving h
er to a big house where she wouldn't have to lift a finger and the two would have all the food in the world, and fresh water that they would always have it to drink and bathe. These thoughts helped him drift into restful sleep everynight...that was always until he woke to severe hunger pains that he was sure would kill him. Sometimes he wished it would, but his dreams and visions for the future were more than enough to keep him going .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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