Chapter 1: Wedding Invitation

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Hey, I'm Skylar Alfaro

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Hey, I'm Skylar Alfaro. You probably remember me. Or you don't, it's not that hard to forget me. At least that's the case with Jordan apparently.

"Hi, what can I get you?" I ask the customer. I lean on the counter that belongs to this cafe, the family cafe. "Nothing." They say, I look up to see George, George is my step father. Good thing I looked up before saying...words to this person. "Hey George." I yawn,

"Hello Skylar, this came in the mail for you." George says handing me an envelope. Jordan was the first thing that came to my mind. What if he had finally sent me a letter after all this time? That would be amazing!

My excitement dies down when I realize it isn't Jordan. It was an invitation, a invitation for me, my mom, and George.

You are invited to Quella and Matthews wedding on August 26, 2017.

Thats so soon. If you don't remember, Matthew is my fathers name. Excuse me? "Mom!" I yell, she comes out of the back room. "Yes?" She asks wiping the sweat off of her forehead. "Dads...getting married!" I say, waving the invitation in her face.

"Married?!" She yells, "Yes! Look! We are invited!" I say, she snatches the piece of paper from me. "No, we will not be going." She says,

"What? It's my dads wedding and your ex husbands wedding! Why wouldn't you want to go? I mean you haven't even seen him in years! So it shouldn't matter! Plus you're over him! I want to go visit everyone! Don't you want to go see Carter?" I ask,

"We aren't going." She says, "Y'all should go." George says, "No, there's to many reasons that we shouldn't!" She says, "Like what?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"Like how we won't know anyone there! It'll be very awkward! And that boy Jordan might be there." She says, "What's so wrong about Jordan?"

"Well he's your ex for one..." She says avoiding eye contact with me. "Mom! Come on!" I say, "No." she says, "Mom please. I'll...I'll work extra time! For a month," I say, she stays quiet. "Mom please."

"Okay, okay. But once the wedding is over, we're coming straight home." She says, I hug her. "Thank you!" I say, I would've went anyways.

"I'm going to go start packing my stuff." I say, she nods. As I walked up the steps that lead us to arm small house, I hear them mumbling, but I can't make out what they are saying. I shrug it off and finish walking up the stairs.

I take a envelope and paper out.

Dear Jordan,

Hey, long time no see. I heard that my dad is getting married to some girl. Hopefully she's nice. I'll be coming soon to see y'all for the wedding. I can't wait!


I put it in the envelope. It shouldn't take to long to get to him. It should get to him before we arrive there. I walk outside and put it in the thingy that you put the mail in, whatever it's called. Wait, mailbox. Yes, the mailbox.

I walk back in the house, and this time I actually start packing like I said. Then my mom walks in my room.

"We'll be leaving in two days." She says, I nod. "Uhhh, mom?" I ask, "Yes?" She asks looking at me. "Do you know why Jordan stopped sending me letters?" I ask, she stays quiet for a minute.

"I need to go make dinner." She says, "But, mom, please tell me. I need to know..." I say, she hugs me. "You'll have answers very soon." She whispers.

"But I want answers nowwww." I whined, "Same here." She says, then she leaves. Something tells me this wedding will be very interesting.

I can't wait to see everyone. It's going to be awesome, like a reunion. But I can't help to think about why Jordan stopped sending letters to me, I miss the letters. I miss knowing what's going on in his life, I miss him...

I miss everything about him, his voice, his smile, his laugh...I miss us. I can't wait to see him again. But there is so many reasons why he could've stopped sending letter.

For instance, he could have found a girl, or worse, got in a accident. Actually, I don't know which one is worse...

Would I rather be heartbroken? Or would I rather him not have a heart? Let's be honest, everyone is selfish. Yet, I don't know the answer.

I throw all of my clothes in my backpack and grab my diary. You're probably thinking, diary? What? Well yeah, I've learned that keeping a diary and writing my thoughts is really helpful.

It feels like I'm talking to someone, but instead I'm writing it. If that even makes sense.

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