Chapter 2: Back Home

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"PLEASE! I don't wanna go alone!" I yell. "No! I don't know them!" My best friend, Hunter says. "I don't care and they don't care! Please come! My mom and George will be there!" I say.

"Yes, please do come Hunter. I would just love to waste all of that room and money!" My mom say. "I love you too miss A!" Hunter says. My mom walks out of the room, rolling her eyes.

As you can tell, my mom hates Hunter. But we all know that if something happened to Hunter...she'd dance on Hunters grave. Hunter thanks of my mom as his mom, even though she hates him.

I don't know if Hunter thinks that my mom is secretly playing...honestly I don't know. "I'll come." Hunter says. "DAMNIT!" I hear my mom from the other room. "LOVE YOU TOO MOM!" Hunter yells.

Few days later...

We're here, we are at my dads house. This is so weird, I can't help but to smile! I miss this so much! I miss everyone. I wonder if everyone misses me.

It's obvious that Jordan doesn't. If he did, why hasn't he at least texted me? Whatever, that's done and over with.

"This is going to be so awkward, Sky!" My mother says. "Honey, calm down." George says hugging my mom. I ignore their...loveness...? Yeah, loveness. That is a new word in the Skylar dictionary.

That's right, I have my own dictionary! The dictionary is in my head, be jealous! "This is huge," Hunter says. "Finally something that deserves my attention! We should all move here!"

"No thank you." I say, everyone agrees with me and we all walk up to the door. Okay, so maybe asking if Hunter wanted to come with us was a bad idea. I didn't think this through. "Hunter, you better behave in here!" My mom says.

My mom softly knocks on the door, no response. "You did it wrong misses A!" Hunter says, he bangs on the door with his fist. What did I expect? Bringing him to this big house.

"Hunter!" Mom yells taking her hat off and chasing Hunter through the yard. "What!?" Hunter yells. "I told you to behave!" Mom yells.

"NO! You said 'Hunter behave in here'! We weren't in the house yet! I was being a good boy!" He yells hiding behind me, using me as a shield.

"Why hide behind me!? Like my mom wouldn't smack me with a hat!? Mom why can't you just not try to kill him for once?!" I yell glaring at Hunter. "BABE, HUNTER, SKYLAR! STOP AT THIS MOMENT!" George yells glaring at us all.

"Hello..." We all hear. "We could hear a loud noise...and banging on the door..." She says. "Hunter." I say coughing, Hunter glares at me.

At the door there was everyone. My dad, Jordan, Carter, Emma, and a woman I didn't know standing next to my father. "Guys!" I say. "Did you just assume their gender?! I taught you better than that!" Hunter says pointing his finger at me.

"Get that finger out of my face before you have 9 fingers." I say. He moves his finger and makes a heart with them. "This is why I love ya!" He says.

"Boy, who doesn't love me?" I say flipping my hair in his face. "I know! J-" He starts. "I will literally strangle you until you can't breath." I say, he smirks.

"You are so freaking dirty to the point that it's not even funny. It's concerning." I say. "I'm not dirty. I took a shower last night." He says. "That's hard to believe," My mom says. "Hello, Matthew. Long time no see."

"Yeah, you still look good." He says. Georges nose scrunches up in disgust. I nearly laugh at the awkward air. "Emma, hey!" I say trying to remove the awkwardness.

"Hey Skylar! I haven't seen you in foreverrrr!" She says. "Same here!" I say. Awkward, so awkward. "Hellloooo pretty lady." Hunter says winking at Emma.

"You are so embarrassing. I'm going to kill you." I say. "Please, come in." Matthew says. We all walk in the house.

"Ouuu couch!" I say. "Ouuu tv!" Hunter says. We run towards the living room, trying to knock each other to the ground. I jump on the couch and Hunter sits next to me, turning the tv on.

"This is where I belong! This is my house!" Hunter says. My mom, the other lady, George, and my dad go to the kitchen while the rest of us sit in the living room.

"Do my feet smell good, Hunter?" I ask. I lay on the couch, with Hunter at the end of my feet. I try to get him to smell my feet. "Smell theeeeemmm!" I yell.

"Ew! What's wrong with you Sky!? Stop! What did I do to deserve this?" He yells. "Sooooo Skylar, uhh and'd y'all meet?" Carter asks.

"School, duh." Hunter says. "How long have you two been dating?" Jordan asks with his arm crossed. "Two years." Hunter says with all seriousness. I look at Hunter questionably.

"No we haven't!" I say. "Sorry, 3 years. My bad. Time flies when you are in love." He says, I kick him. "You wish! Me and Hunter are just friends." I say laughing. "Yeah, sure. Skylar is like my sister." He says smiling.

"Sister?" Carter asks. "Yep!" Hunter says smiling.



I have just been VERY busy with school! I've been studying, doing homework and I've had essays! It's CRAZZZYY! So I haven't had ANY time to write! So it felt really weird to be writing again.

But I promised myself that I would update this story today! So I hope you liked it! Bye y'all! I'll try to update more! Blame my teachers!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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