Chapter 1 - Melanie

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My name is Melanie Alexis. Before I was even born, I died. Not once but twice. Don't panic. My favorite aunt, Alexis Monroe, brought my mother, Charlotte, and I back to life. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true.

My mother was about six months pregnant with me, when she was attack by a vampire named Damian, who left us for dead. The problem was, my mother and I didn't die. She turned into a vampire and, sort of, continued her life for about six or seven years, but I was frozen.

Then, she met this amazing women. A Healer. My aunt Lex. When she healed my mother and I, as in turned us human, I was a normal baby, again. That is until Damian snapped my mothers neck, killing us both, ... again.

When Alexis brought my mother and I back the second time, she gave me an incredible gift without meaning too. Alexis is a powerful Healer, and, now, so am I.

After she healed us, I slowly became alert and felt as if someone else was in my head with me. Even being a fetus still in the womb, I already felt so much more than a normal baby should feel. Alexis and I were mentally connected. We could hear each others thoughts and see everything around each other. When anyone spoke, I got a quick flash of a face and heard their name in her thoughts. Thanks to Alexis, I could hear any voice around me as clear as a bell, and I even knew who the voices belonged to. I should really start from the beginning - from the first thing I remember.


I heard a women say 'I'll take care of him. Make sure Alexis is alright. For all of us.' It was very close to me but muffled. It sounded like it had been said right next to my ear.

I heard name Loucienna, and a beautiful face flashed through my thoughts. There was nothing but quiet, darkness, a steady pounding sound and a faint fluttering sound for a very long time. I didn't know what the sounds where, but I heard 'The pounding sounds like a ... heartbeat? It must be mine. But what's that other sound?' I heard another quiet and distant thumping sound. 'Footsteps.' The word whispered through my mind, but it wasn't me who thought it.

A mans voice asked "Charlotte? Can you hear me?"

The name Garret swept through my head along with an image of his face.

Someone made 'mm hmm' sound, and the name Charlotte and a smiling face swept through my mind.

Inside my head, I heard 'Oh, good. Charlotte's alright.'

Loucienna asked "Can you tell us what happened?"

Another male voice gently said "Give her a few minutes."

A happy smiling face and the name Myron came flooding in.

There was a long pause, but after clearing her throat, Charlotte said "I was in the doorway, trying to watch all of you. After Alexis helped Loucienna and started back toward Damian, someone grabbed me from behind and drug me out the back door. I didn't even have time to register what was happening, until I was standing next to Damian by the rock pile out back. I knew he was going to kill me, but, somehow, out of nowhere, Alexis just ... appeared between the house and us. It looked like she was shaking, and I don't mean from being afraid or cold. She was pissed. You should've seen her." She laughed once without humor and added "She knew he was going to kill me, too." Her voice was barely audible. "She winked at me and said she'd bring me back. I think it really pissed him off because he snapped my neck. That's all I remember."

While my mom, Charlotte, spoke, I had so many images pass through my mind and heard a few thoughts too. 'I wasn't that fast, was I? ... I knew I was shaking. I guess I didn't realize how bad. ... I'm so sorry Charlotte. To know what was coming must have been horrible. ... At least you didn't see the really bad part, and thanks for leaving out the other three.'

There was silence for a long moment, before another male voice quietly said "I'm going up to sit with Alexis."

A handsome face and relieved thoughts raced through me. 'Vincent?! He's okay! Oh, thank God. ... Wait. He's coming UP to see me? If he's not near me, why can I hear him? And everyone else for that matter? ... The baby?! I'm mentally linked to the baby!? That's impossible. Isn't it? ... Charlotte's voice. Louder than the others. Of course. But how? ... What did I do to the baby?! Oh, God. Please tell me she's okay!' As that last thought swam through our minds, I suddenly saw a flash of her face. Eyes closed. Motionless. Like she was sleeping. She thought 'That's me. I AM linked to her. How the hell did that happen?' She concentrated hard on my mind. As she did, she realized what she had done. 'I didn't just bring you back. I gave you half of everything I am. It's like everything I know you know. ... And you have Charlotte's memories, too. How? I don't understand. ...'

Images of people and places flooded through me. Like a movie screen set on fast forward.

'You're a Healer, too. ... Little Melanie Alexis. How fitting. You're very smart. You already understand how to do most of this stuff, don't you? You are going to be amazing.'

As she became more aware of me, I became more aware of her. My mind worked a little slower, but language and thought came to me, mostly from Alexis. As I pictured her face again, I thought 'You?'

'Holy crap! You can understand me, too?'

Still picturing her, I thought 'Yes. ... This you?'

'Yes. Do you understand what's happened?'

My mind still worked slowly, but it was growing clearer and faster each time I tried to comprehend her thoughts. 'When you understand, I will, too.'

'Okay. ... That actually makes sense. ... I think I gave you everything I had left, when I healed you and Charlotte. The more I concentrate on you, the more I understand what's happened. ... I think you can do everything I can, and I think you've ... Absorbed? My thoughts and memories. From what I can tell, I think you already know that you're an infant. Right?'

'Yes. We are Healers. Right?'

'Yes. We are.'

'Charlotte is my mother?'

'Yes, sweetheart.'

So many images, thoughts and memories swam through my mind. 'I can see your memories, and my mothers, too?'

'Yes. I can see the pictures in your mind. You need to slow them down. Try to concentrate on my VOICE instead.' As I tried to do what Alexis told me, she thought of my mothers face. 'There can you see Charlotte? That's your mother. Isn't she beautiful?'

'I see her. She's very beautiful.'

'You're doing amazing, but there's some things you'll need to keep yourself from doing.'

'What do you mean?'

'You don't want to do too much. You're only a five month old fetus. When you feel like you're hearing or seeing too much, I want you to concentrate on Charlotte's face. If you do too much, you might give yourself a headache. I know you don't seem like a fetus. You're already WAY beyond any normal TEENAGER. Mentality wise, you're practically an adult.'

'Will you help me stop, when I need to?'

'I don't know how long we'll be able to stay linked like this. I don't even know how it happened. I did it once before with my mother, but it got ... cut off. This is only the second time I've done this.'

Terrible images passed through my mind, and I knew in an instant what had happened. 'That's awful!'

She quickly thought 'Concentrate on Charlotte's face. ... You shouldn't have to see or know any of that. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have thought about that.'

'It's okay. Will I know if I'm doing too much?'

'I think so. If you start to feel overwhelmed, you should think of your mother. Okay?'

'Okay.' I felt myself moving and asked 'Is that my mother ... walking? Is that what I feel?'

'I'm pretty sure. Yes.'

'She's going to see you.'

'She is?'

'Yes. I see her thoughts. Here. Can you see them?'

'Yes. This is so amazing. I-'

In a panic, I realized what my mother was doing and cut her thought off. 'She's going to wake you up!'

'No! She can't! I don't know how to connect with you, again!'

'I'll still be able to hear you, right?'

'I don't know. My voice, yes. But I won't be able to hear you. I can't leave you alone.'

I realized she was more afraid than me. 'Yes, you can. I'm not really alone. I can hear all of you.' I thought of the faces and names she had showed me.

'But you won't be able to TALK to anyone. ... I'll figure out how to connect to you, again. I promise.'

"Alexis? Can you hear me?" Charlotte asked quietly.

'No! I don't want to wake up!'

'It's okay, aunt Lex. I'll be fine.'

As I felt her slowly slipping away from me, I heard her last thoughts. 'Little Mel ... You're going to be amazing. I WILL be back. I promise.'

I began to concentrate on what my mother could see, as she asked "Alexis, can you hear me? Are you alright?"

Alexis sat up quickly and blurted "No! I can't leave her!"

Charlotte tried to calm Alexis. "It's okay, Alexis. You're safe. We're all safe. It's over."

Alexis stared at my mother for a long a moment. "She's all alone. I have to figure out how to get back to her."


Alexis starred at my mothers stomach and whispered "Melanie."

"What are you talking about?"

"When I healed the two of you, I somehow gave her healing abilities, too. She's like me, but she, somehow, absorbed all your thoughts and most of mine."

"What?! That's impossible."

"Apparently, it isn't. She's amazing, Charlotte. She has OUR mentality. She thinks so clearly, it's like how you and me are talking right now."

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know. I think, after I healed you, I didn't have enough strength to heal her, and I ended up giving her EVERYTHING I had left, which was me, literally."

"Oh, my God. Is she okay? Are you?"

"She's perfect. Absolutely perfect." They stared at each other for a long moment. "Where is everyone?"

"They went out about an hour ago. They should be back soon. So Mel's okay?"

"Yes. She can hear you and everything around you. She hears your thoughts and sees what you see. I showed her what you looked like, and she thinks you're beautiful. She is so amazing. I just can't get over it."

"She can hear and understand me?"

"Yes. It's hard to explain. ... Everything you think and see, she knows and sees, too."


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