Chapter I

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Hello guys,
We all pass through a phase where we think that it's all over. The phase we go through is actually called 'Depression'. Heard of it? Of course you have. From your parents, elders, sometimes even your friends.

Friends, I wanna tell you that I'm, right now, us passing through a similar phase.

But, I gotta know a thing about this Depression. We get to know the dark side of things, which normal people can't understand.

We can see the difference between the right and wrong. Still, we choose the wrong way. This is because of this phase we are passing through.

But, if we, somehow walk through the right way, we can benefit ourselves as well as others.

Think this is enough for today.
Look forward to hear from you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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