Picking it up

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He was talking to the only person who really cared how he felt. She was the only person he let see his feelings,he was afraid he would be judged or picked on or bullied. He was the strongest emotionally out of his group so when he broke, he knew things would get bad. He had taken the thumbtack that held the two pictures she had drawn for him out of the wall, he lifted up his shorts on his right side, he started with just poking it into his skin. It felt like just how he imagined sharp and pointy then he drew a line going from left to right it wasn't enough he felt so he drew another under it once again going from left to right. He knew he had to tell her eventually so he did, she was furious. He could tell she wanted to hold him in her arms and make the life pour back into him, but it was pointless, she wasn't there and he couldn't go to her house. Her mom hated him, didn't trust him, didn't want anything to do with him except make him feel not good enough for her. He knew this would be a life long battle cause he planned on marrying her. He wanted to have her for life, he felt like if he did it again she would give up on him.. He had spent all this time in her and felt fine until two months ago, summer break started and they would be apart she couldn't be there to help him anymore. The voices went quiet for awhile but they are having a rude awakening.

He made a choiceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora