Power of a God

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You're in your house cleaning before you decide to leave for the contract.

"Hey!" A voice yelled from outside the window.

"Natsu?" You say and walk over to the window. He jumps in through the window and sits on the couch.

"This is a nice place ya got here!" Natsu said.

"Aye!" Happy agreed eating the fish in your fridge.

"Help yourself I guess?" You say.

"You can afford this?" Gray asks in only his shirt standing in the living room.

"When did you-" You were cut off by another voice.

"It is a nice place." Erza says sitting on the couch pushing Natsu off.

"What the hell?" You ask until a knock was heard at the door. You walk over to the door and open it revealing Lucy.

"Sorry about them, they come into my house like that too." Lucy admitted sheepishly. You stand to the side to let her in.

"Good to know someone knocks." You say as Lucy comes in
You begin cooking everyone something to eat. After everyone ate started walking out the door. Before you left you read the clock 11:45.

"Yo where ya going?" Natsu asked loudly.

"I'm going to do this contract." You say plainly.

"Well wait for us!" Lucy said. You continue to walk out the door. As you walk down the street you hear Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Lucy run behind you.

"So which way?"  Erza asked.

"Does anyone have a  feather and some white paint?" You ask. Erza digs in her many bags and gives you the materials you need.

"Why do you have all of those bags with you?" You ask out of curiosity.

"Preparation is a prerequisite for victory." Erza replies.

"Well spoken." You reply. You take the white paint and draw a circle on the ground. In the middle you draw a foot with wings on it. You place the feather on the symbol.

"What now?" Happy asks.

"Well I need everyone to stand inside the circle." You say. Everyone stands bunched up together in the tight circle.

"Couldn't you have made the circle a little bigger?" Gray asks.

"It is kind of tight." Happy says crushed between Lucy and Gray.

"I would if I could." You respond back. Erza joins everyone else in the circle and her chest is pushed right up against you. The two of you are so close you can feel her breath on your neck. You look to the side blushing.

"What?" Erza asks threateningly.

"Its nothing." You say. "Holy magic: Ritual Arts!" You chant as the white circle begins to glow. The one feather begins to fly around in the circle. Soon more feathers start appearing.

"What's going on!" Happy yelled.

"I'm going to teleport us!" You yell. No one can hear you because of the feathers and the wind created in the circle.

"What?" Natsu yelled.

"I SAID!" You tried yelling back but you were teleported to your destination.

"Oh guys I think we were teleported." Natsu explains. There was a collective oh from Gray, Happy, and Lucy.

"Ugh lets just go." You say going toward the large mansion. The five of you head towards the front door of the mansion.

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