Chapter 3 Info-chan Helps! Also Over Nurse Senpai's?!

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Author's Note
Yay! another chapter! Jesus on a stick! Yaaas! End me! (・∀・)
You woke up with a jolt with your eyes wide but then you calmed down that dream never happened

You had a dream Yandere-kun was stalking you
(Lol meanwhile in stalkaunivurse ... Yandere-kun has M/n tied up in his basement for his sexual desires dun! dun! dun! plot twist!)

You yawned but fell square on your face you heard a growl and a low bark

"Oh shut up" you rolled your eyes and used the bed for support and got up walked to the bathroom sulking in depression you hate going to work but if that means seeing that unusually pale boy you'll take your chances

You petted d/n with a small smile hooking up the game for him/her and poured him/her last night's leftovers and poured him/her some soda

You know this was unhealthy for your d/n to eat and drink but fuck the vet you could feed your d/n whatever you want or he/she want!

Oh yeah you have to send a fuck you letter to his/her veterinarian

Plus he/she likes junk food so you don't know what's the big deal!

You swear it was a dumb decision but yeah you fed d/n some chocolate and he/she still lived!

But he/she did eventually got sick off of it and you took him/her to his/her veterinarian which he found out you were giving your dog junk food instead of regular stinky dog food

You made your self mad just thinking about that bossy ass veterinarian!

you felt something rub against your leg you looked down and saw d/n whimpering while pawing at your pants leg  it looked like
he/she was trying to cheer you up

You smiled brightly and kneeled down and hugged him/her and held his/her face close to yours

"give me kiss" you said puckering your lips

"Grrrr" you heard him/her growl and you backed up

"Or not" you said quickly and grabbed your keys leaving out the front door to get to your boring ass job

With  Yandere-kun

I sighed walking around the school boredly

I'm too bored to kill Kokona I mean what's the point killing her if she's going to respond the next day!?

I'm too bored to look at senpai I mean all he does is yell at me when I kill sluts like Kokona and all he does is sit there at that fountain reading a book I mean that's hot you know being mysterious but come on! I bet its yaoi that he's reading there's no telling

That's when I clicked and remembered I had nurse senpai! He's so hot! And he's so bold! I like it when he's angry or grumpy its cute! Especially his boldness!

I was snapped out of my thoughts hearing footsteps behind me and there I saw nurse senpai rubbing his eye tiredly just entering the entrance of the school I smiled and ran towards him with my arms wide andjumped on him

M/n's POV

I jumped in shock seeing that weirdo coming after me and jumped I quickly backed up causing him to fall on the ground on his face

I glared at him I'm too tired to yell at him

That's when he lifted his face up with a creepy smile and he stood up

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