A Cluster-Fuck

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• Don't challenge Minami to a dancing/ twerking competition, because he will destroy you

• Minami is not as innocent as he seems, he has a huge collector's items of cards against humanity, Minami's answers even made Yuri(o) seem like the innocent one rather than Minami

• Someone, probably J.J, has offered Minami weed/ blunt before. And Minami wanting to know what effects it had, took it. Later he was found giggling and talking about how "Georgie didn't deserve to die, just because Pennywise was hungry." He cried after saying that. He wiped his tears, started hysterically sobbing laughing because "Yuri(o) acts like an angry cat who just got soaked in water?!"

• Once Yuri(o) found an empty bedroom, he laid Minami down, Minami responded with: " No! Mom! Don't take away my Yuri(o)! HE'S MY CRAYON?! YOU BITCH, GO FUCK OFF IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT?!" Then Minami yanked Yuri(o) down, and cuddled with him, Yuri(o) appreciated? Minami's strong emotions for him??

• Minami is actually a little bit of a heavyweight when it comes to alcohol, but when he's finally drunk, he gets really sappy and horny. When Yuri(o) and Minami got to their apartment, and Yuri(o) tried to change Minami's clothes, Minami, with his eyes still shut raised his voice and said, " Hey, what the HELL ARE YOU DOING?! I already told you, YOU BITCH, I'M ALREADY TAKEN IN A HAPPY AND HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP?! So get the FUCK OFF OF ME?!" Yuri(o) responded by, "it's me, Yuri(o)."
Minami turned his head, eyes still closed and his eyebrows furrowed as he questioned: " how do I know you're just pretending, say something only he (Yurio) would know!"
" I know that when you got high you called your mother a bitch."
"Hmm, alright, I believe you, I want to go to sleep now Yuri..."

• Minami knows what he did and said when he got high because Viktor recorded most of it and sent it to Yuri(o),while Yuri(o) recorded the part in the empty bedroom. Where Minami called his mom a bitch. After Minami saw the video, he sent it to his mom, after his mom watched both videos she called him, she was laughing, she wasn't even mad, Minami started apologizing profusely. After an hour or two of Minami just apologizing and his mom saying that "it's completely fine." She told Minami to hand the phone over to Yuri(o). She told Yuri(o) that: " don't ever stop taking my baby (Minami) on you and your friend's silly adventures, and please I beg of you, do try and make him (Minami) unwind some, and not be sorry all the time, I appreciate you, you really do make him ecstatic... I haven't seen him (Minami) this happy in a while, keep it up!" She hung up after Yuri(o) gave the phone back to Minami, (Yurio was blushing), after she told Minami that she loves him (Minami), and wishes them both well.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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