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Hey everyone! Dragon here. Been a while huh?

As the title states, this here is a remake of my Matsumoto's Party series. There are a few reasons as to why I'm making a remake of this series.

One: I have grown a lot in my writing skills since I wrote the book. At least I believe I have. My writing style has changed quite a bit, and I'd like to try writing this genre (romance) with it. I have also grown with my editing and writing in general.

Two: I believe this story was very repetitive. There were a lot of events that changed only a little because of the change of characters with each chapter. This is unpleasant to look back on and read since it shows a lack of originality and thought input. I want to create some new ideas. I will, of course, be keeping some of the original ideas from the first book.

Three: I originally wanted to write two books; one geared to female readers and the other to male readers. Obviously, I never did this. So, for this re-creation, I'd like to fulfill that promise. (They will be separate books.)

Also, I will not be including Julian (the requested OC option from the original) in this remake. I still really enjoy his chapter and do not wish to make any changes.

I will still be keeping the original up. I know how much people enjoyed it (not to mention it's nice to compare my progress over the years).

Thank you all for staying with me this long! I know I've been pretty bad at staying alive on this site, but I have been working on some new things. I will be giving a more thorough update on that in the future though!

I love you all, and thank you again very much! I hope you enjoy this newer version as much as you did the original!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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