[Insert Story Title Here] - Karezi

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A/N: Because I'm a lazy piece of shit who can't be bothered, I didn't exactly come up with a title for this story. However, I hope you all like it anyway. Don't forget to vote, comment, and request a ship for the next chapter!

A thick, nearly-opaque fog envelopes the dim corridor, from which the faint echo of the ticking of a clock can be heard, only adding to the suspenseful aura as a young girl ever-so-slowly tiptoes her way across the creaky hardwood floor, the rhythm of the clock's ticks syncing up with the soft thuds that resound each time the soles of her feet connect with the pavement.

Tick, thud. Tick, thud. Tick, thud.

Her hand reaches for the doorknob, but she draws it back, her breaths becoming shaky and her eyes widening, as she notices that the red marks etched into the metal are too... wet... to be rust, though it is rust-coloured. Blood? But... she'd been told that no one had used this old facility in decades. How could there be fresh blood?

Her thinkpan throbs, and she swallows a large gulp of saliva. She knows she should get out of here as quickly as possible, but alas, against her better judgement, she finally reaches out once again and turns the doorknob, bracing herself for the worst possible outcome.

All fades to black, and her desperate, pained screams ring through the speakers. The poor girl is now dead – nothing more than a pitiful lump of meat carelessly strewn onto the dingy wooden floor.

Having seen this trope many times in cinema before, Karkat merely stares at the events unfolding on the screen in front of him, unamused, and shovels a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "Hah, bitch had it coming. Maybe you shouldn't have been so predictable and naïve."

But all of a sudden, he hears a loud click coming from downstairs, snapping him out of his thoughts. "W-What the– I don't remember leaving the front door unlocked," he says, a shiver crawling up his spine as a rush of blood courses through him and he shoots straight up from his seat.

"Um... maybe it was just the wind... or a rat-beast seeking out the popcorn. Yeah, definitely. What else could it be?" he manages to convince himself, sinking back into the cushion of the couch he'd previously been sitting on, grabbing at the remote, and changing the channel until he settles on his favourite program. He turns the volume up, and the events that had taken place two minutes prior have now been long-forgotten as he becomes immersed in the cheesy, predictable love triangle.

Unbeknownst to the mutant-blood, however, a figure looms just behind him, a cheeky, yet somehow simultaneously ominous grin gracing her features. Her shadow dances beneath her in a diagonal position relative to her on the ground, her glaring scarlet eyes emitting a soft glow. She breathes a deep sigh, her hands coming to rest on the back edge of the couch, and she patiently waits a few seconds more until she finally launches herself over the sofa with a graceful acrobatic leap and lands smack-dab in the center of his lap, glomping him and causing him to toss the large tub of popcorn he'd previously been holding in surprise, sending kernels flying everywhere.

"Heeey, Karkat! Long time, no see, eh?" the teal-blooded female chortles, feigning ignorance over the fact that she'd just scared the absolute shit out of him a few moments ago after having entered his hive without any indication. Having almost soiled his pants from the initial shock of the encounter, the male flinches, his fearful, strangled squeals akin to a wriggler's, before he realizes that the intruder is only his overenthusiastic matesprit (who seems to have no concept of boundaries), Terezi.


And right then and there, he knows that today is just going to be ‘one of those days’. However, he reluctantly brushes a bit of popcorn off of his leg and begins to cool down from his outburst, unable to stay mad at her for long, no matter how infuriating she could be at times.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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