; turn back time ;

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au where josh and tyler were a band before tyler and jenna got married and fell in love.

tyler and josh are a two man band. josh has a growing crush on tyler. after a few years of being a band, tyler meets a girl named jenna. they fall in love and get married. josh has a very big crush on tyler and flees when tyler and jenna are saying their vows at their wedding. he then disbands twentyonepilots. twenty years later, josh is a single alcoholic living in a crappy small home. he's watching the news.

josh is shocked, and decides to visit jenna. jenna show him a note "jenna, i love you so much. you gave me joy and happiness in my life, as my beautiful wife. but in recent events, ive realized your love isnt the love ive needed. im sorry jenna. i love, and loved joshua dun, but i was too ignorant to see he loved me then. so ive decided to end my life. tyler." josh is overwhelmed with shock. he passes out and ends up and falling onto a sharp rock and bits of gravel. he lands into a coma, with strange dreams of tyler before he died- when tyler was longing for josh, and his suffering with guilt for josh and jenna, and a strange second person in his brain appearing and ripping his heart apart open, and killing tyler with a noose.

suddenly, josh wakes up. he's 27 again, and in bed with just boxers on and tears rolling down his cheeks. he's under a soft duvet. a man is softly rubbing josh's back. it's tyler. it was all a dream. josh kisses tyler.

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