Alexis (Chap 1)

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"My name is Alexis Mitchell" I'm 22 years old and I live in Nola. As of today (March 15 2017) I found out I was 2 weeks pregnant. Guess who's the father The ONE AND ONLY AUGUST ALSINA!!! I didn't tell his ugly self yet. I wonder how he would feel tho? Maybe he'll be happy maybe ....not.

As I sat at the doctor's I wondered how I was gonna tell my parents and my big sister. You can say I'm scared but ion even know. BUT lemme tell y'all a lil about my Family.

So my Mom's name is Joyce ...growing up she was really strict, and got mad at almost ANYTHING .She's African American and was really from Alanta but had me in Nola. My Dad on the other had was always cool about things .... Maybe except boys he was mixed. He's also from Alanta.

My sister Niyah was 25 and she was like a best friend to me. And I would never want to upset her...She's Also was from Nola. Me and Niyah didn't always get along but as we got older we grew closer. It's hard growing up with a older sister she was so bossy "but I luhh my sissy so muach"

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