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These lights were weaker,  the buildings were smaller,  and the sky was clear.

New York, was unlike those things. Unlike the small city of Moonstone.

Sam's driver (Patrick),  passing by the small building. Biggest one being ten stories high. Roads filled with small rustic shops.

Passing, he looked back at them all. Some old,  from his innocent childhood,  some new, unprepared for him and Becky. People looking at his black expensive car,  he staring back at them with wonder.  The teenagers didn't look kind,  goal driven,  smart anymore. They were filled with hate,  and they had a hint of drug in there appearance. Sam always knew.

He payed close attention to everyone and everything, it was one of his now discovered many talents.

Jacklyn's baked goods. it was different now. it wasn't ' Jacklyn's hot goods' it had a much more sexual theme. It looked like Jacklyn had cleaned up her act.

Every shop,  had a person. Every shop, had a memory. Sam flashed in and out of reality, taking back in all those memories.

He was no longer weak. He was no longer a ugly, smart, curious, innocent boy.  That was long gone. He was emotionless, or so many believed. Maybe it was just because he didn't know what he felt,  it if it was good or bad.  Maybe it was because he didn't know what to think.  It was as if there was no Yin and Yang. No balance,  it was as if both sides of him were fighting. He was confused, and scared. But he didn't know that.  Even if he did know, he would never admit.

Finally the black car came to a stop.  It was the ten story building. Sam had enough money to buy the building, to grow have a home there and an office.

He of course came to this city for a reason.  It was not to meet his old friends.  He didn't have any.  It wasn't meant to see the enemies, they would just become coward at his sight. He was gonna become the King of the city. Build an empire and up from this small city.

He stepped out,  black shiny shoes,  with his suit and all.  Stepping out to the cold air,  that seamed to be filled with smoke,  from cigarettes... Or other kind of drugs.

Walking into the building,  it was almost suffocating. He was used to the big not the small. But of course, he would have to fix the place up. He walked into the elevator up to the tenth floor.

It opened right into it.  No hallways or anything. If any future employ pressed the tenth button, they'd just pop out here. Into his kitchen.

He looked around, exploring the place,  and seeing what he could do to make it better.  But of course he would stick to the red brick, he liked it.  Maybe the wood too,  but it needed to be redone.

Eventually he came to his own room.  Dropping his bag on the bed. His other thing we're in there way. Suddenly a echoing ding could be heard from the elevator.

He walked back into the kitchen,  and looked at Patrick. He stood in the center wearing his dark uniform.

"You can, go look at you're new home. Your wife will be here tomorrow." Sam said in almost a monotone voice.

"Thanks, sir. I hope your plans don't fail." he said bowing and leaving down the elevator. Before it closed he quickly added

"Welcome to the City"


Sorry if chapter seemed short.  Story chapters will be around 500 - whatever it may end. Well hope you liked this chapter. Hope you read again and please give advice.

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