Always you will give the BEST GIFT

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I am dedicating this OS to my lovely sister for her birthday.... hope you too will enjoy this one shot...



Abhishek gave a kiss on his sweet wife's forehead while wishing for her birthday at midnight...
But his jaan ; pragya was in peaceful sleep... without opening her eyes even she snuggled more close near her husband with a cute smile...
For sometime Abhishek lost in his own world admiring his jaan's cute sleepy face...

"Arrey jaan... my sweet heart... wake up nah..."

Abhishek again start his mission of waking her jaan from her peaceful sleep... he is not in a mood to wake her up from her deep slumber... but how can he waste this wonderful moment without any surprise....

At last his five minutes attempt got success... pragya sit on bed while hugging her love... Abhishek took her to his embrace and gave another kiss on her forehead while wishing her for the second time too... then only he noticed still his sleeping beauty is closing her eyes and in sleeping mode without seeing any deco he has done whole night to surprise her at midnight...

"Sweety open your eyes nah... still sleeping too bad..."

Abhishek was expecting to see how his angel going to be happy with his surprise... he know how much she loves surprises... but still he can't understand why his jaan didn't get the fragrance of roses as he has decorated whole room with pink and white roses... it's her fav...

He was looking at her sleeping queen who is still in his embrace to see how she going to squeal in happiness at the next second by seeing all his efforts for her... but to his dismay by making him complete shock pragya jump from the bed and ran to the washroom...

For a minute Abhishek stay like a statue without getting what happened just now... at next minute he ran towards the washroom with full worried face thinking what happen to his jaan suddenly... seeing the washroom door closed he became more restless... he starts to bang on the door...

"Jaan... pragya... are you okay..."

After two three minutes pragya came out from the washroom... as soon as abhi saw her... he hugged her tightly without leaving her to take a breath even...
Pragya understood her husband is worrying about her... so she caressed his back and said...

"Abhi don't worry I am okay..."

Abhishek broke the hug and look at her eyes... then only pragya notice how beautifully her husband has decorated the room with roses and her photos... that make her understand why she got nausea and felt to vomit... she happily look at her husband with thankful smile... happy tears are coming from her eyes...

But Abhishek has completely forgot about surroundings... he was looking at his jaan with full worried face...

"Jaan... shall I call ma... are you okay..??? What happen to you suddenly..."

"Abhi don't worry... I am perfectly fine... just felt to vomit... that's it... but now I am completely fine seeing all these beautiful decos... thank you my hero..."

"Felt to vomit... shall we go to doctor... but why suddenly... did you eat something bad..." still Abhishek is not satisfied...

"No need abhi... it's quite normal... just because of the fragrant of these roses..."

"But roses are your favourite nah... I am sorry jaan... I..."

Pragya interrupted saying...

Always you will give the BEST GIFT (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now