Chapter 2

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The Spring Maiden

"We must prepare for the Maiden's arrival." Dr. Dilen said. "We must perform the spring ritual. It's the only way we can resurrect her, after Hara Ashing defeated her before. We musn't let it happen again. Quick, Mrs. Nurta grab the forever flower! Kilu'a, get the sunstone! Andi, get the hiljokn! We can't waste any time." "Yes sir!" Mrs. Nurta, Kilu'a, and Andi said in unison.

Little by little, they each got the ingredients.

The Forever Flower, a beautiful fuchsia pink hibiscus flower. The Forever Flower can also be used as an herb, which can cure the ill and protect them from sickness forever.

 The sunstone, a gem of the sun goddess handed down to her daughter the spring Maiden. The sunstone can provide life to all of natures children.

The hiljokn is a rare liquid used for sacred rituals to bring back the dead and to transfer souls and energy.

Once all the ingredients were assembled, Dr. Dilen held a rabbit in his hands and stabbed it. As blood poured out of it. "Is all this really necessary?" the henchman, Professor Andi said. "Couldn't we have found an easier way to bring back the Spring Maiden?"

"Oh," Dr. Dilen said with exasperation, "Perhaps you've got a better idea of how to bring her back? How to restore her power? Because if you do, I'd love to hear it." Professor went silent. "That's what I thought. Kilu'a, Nurta, bring me the ingredients." Nurta held the bottle of hiljokn very carefully, for it was the main ingredient, while Kilu'a held the Forever Flower and the sunstone in a bowl with water in it. "Good," Dr. Dilen said evilly. "Professor Andi! Bring in the coffin!" 

Professor Andi said nothing and went into the dark back room and came back out wheeling in a wine, raven, and canary-colored coffin. "Here you are Dr. Dilen," Professor Andi said finally in a low quiet voice. "Step aside!" the doctor said. He carefully opened the coffin as dust mites flew out. After all the dust has cleared, the four lieutenants examined and studied the corpse that lay inside. The woman inside the coffin was tall and lean. She had long wavy emerald hair, decayed mint colored skin, and a long amethyst-colored strapless dress with roses, violets, daffodils, sunflowers, daisies and thorn covered vines surrounding her body. There was no doubt that this was the corpse of the Spring Maiden.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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