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Harry potter does not belong to me. This is just a fanfic. Some details may be incorrect. Sorry for that. Constructive comments will be helpful. Thank you. Please read and review.

Since Ginny Weasley was a child, eyes fascinated her. Her dad had clear blue eyes that made her feel safe and protected. Her mother had soft brown eyes which reminded her of the days sitting in the kitchen watching her mum work, the aroma of baked bread wafting around the house. All her elder siblings had inherited either their dad or mum's eyes but only hers seem to be different. While she had inherited her mums brown eyes, they were of a muddy shade instead of her mums beautiful soft ones.
When she was ten, she fell in love with a pair of dazzling green eyes. They were warm and deep and seemed to hold many secrets. They mesmerised her as much as the stories of the boy who they belonged to did. But the eyes seemed to see through her, as if she did not exist. It hurt at first but she moved on.
When she was thirteen, a pair of wattery blue eyes caught her fancy. They made her feel special... beautiful. They were not the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen but they had a certain quality that attracted her to them. The attraction was temporary but well worth it.
When she was fourteen she found herself attracted to a pair of hazel eyes. The dark skin tone of the boy made the eyes stand out and gave them a mystical quality. Moreover he was an artist and hence understood her attraction towards the finer details that most seemed to overlook, and she appreciated it.
At age fifteen, by some miracle, the boy with green eyes started liking her. Having never truly given up on him, she found herself, once again being enamored by the dazzling green. The three weeks they were together were perhaps the happiest of her fifteen years of life. But like all things beautiful, it came to an abrupt end when the green eyed hero left for war with no promises of coming back.
At seventeen, when the green eyed boy did come back, he was not a boy anymore, he was a man, hardened by the war, who had seen to many horrors for a lifetime and she was a woman who had watched her loved ones fight in the war and fought along them, but not all had returned back. They both had lost every tiny shred of innocence and while they did find solace from the memories in each other, it was a temporary fix, for the war had changed them too much to find happiness in each other.
At twenty-five she fell in love with the most beautiful set of eyes she had ever seen in her life. They were steel grey and cold for every one else but when she looked into them, she saw love. These eyes looked at her as if she was the centre of his universe. That was the last time she fell in love for she had finally found her home, in the warm grey eyes of Draco Malfoy.

The story is written from Ginny's point of view.

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