Ch. 2

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Two days wen't really fast, faster then a blink of an eye. But the last and finale day went slower then ever. When Em left today, I got my suitcase ready to go, I'm leaving around 8:00 PM, but that is not enough time for me. I stand in front of the mirror.

"Hello, my name is Penelope, I'm your sisters daughter which I guess makes me your niece, oh and which you also  never met and...... and I don't fucking know you, but this is going to be one hell of an awkward vacation." shit. I wonder what I would be doing the whole entire time. Mom said that this will be a good experience for me to see where my mom grew up with the whole culture and tradition, along with her younger sister, thee Aunt Victoria.

~Later on that day~
"Penelope, its time to go. Penelope?"that was the voice of my mother.I found myself on my bed, man that was a nice nap. It's 7:30 PM.Got up in my PJ's and walked over to my closet to grab a coat.

"Goodbye room, see you in the next three months." I sigh

"Penelope, come on we have to go."

"OKAY OKAY!!!!"I yelled out to my mother.As I got to the car, i heard running footsteps behind me.

"Penny wait"I turned around and saw Em coming towards me, she was holding a wooden box that wasn't to big nor small.

"Em, whats wrong?"I asked

"I wanted to say good bye before you go"she whispered in my ear as she was giving me the most tightest hug, I felt like i was going to pass out.

"It's not like we aren't going to see each anymore" I said

"Penelope lets go"my mom said.

"Coming"I gave Em another hug.

"I'm going to miss you"I said to Em, I sprinted to the car.

The rest of the ride was pretty quite. Once we got to the airport my mom helped me check in.

"Penelope. I really hope you have fun, if not you can come home early."Her painful smile makes me start to cry. 

"Mom really it's fine you spent-."I was cut off, She threw herself into a hug.

"You are growing up so fast, I think you will love London and love your Aunt, but if you don't want to stay it's-"Wow women now you offer?

"Mom you know I won't say no,it's really fine I just need to suck it up, I'll be perfectly fine." She was a bit relived

I soon got settled in my seat on the plane next to this girl a little older then me.

"Hi, I'm Eleanor" she says with a kind smile.

"Penelope." I say with a simple smile.

"So what part of England are you going to?" she asks, and I start to notice that she has a British accent.

"Oxford, where are you going to?" I asked, not really caring that much but just being polite to make conversation.

"London I'm just visiting my boyfriend"she said

"Oh, thats cool, I'm visiting a Aunt I never met before"I replied with a sigh

"Oh that's going to be awkward" Oh thanks a lot that's really going to help me.

"Yeah I figured" I said sarcastically, she started to laugh and I joined.

Key Words of life (h.s. Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ