It's Simple, but not Really (PlasmaShipping)

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It's Simple, but not Really (PlasmaShipping)

Story requested by: FlashgirlReal

(A/N): Oh my gosh, it's been too long! I'm sorry for the very long wait, but school was being frustrating. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading! Oh, also, this chapter is going to be referencing the LEGO: Ninjago Movie (don't worry, there aren't any spoilers), and, given that the movie isn't cannon, I figured it'd be funny if Dareth made it and casted different actors rather than just use the ninja. Also, also, the actors are going to be named after the people who voiced them in the movie! Hope you enjoy your reading!

Summary: Kai and Jay find themselves looking over the movie script that Dareth had so helpfully provided.

Kai couldn't help the grimace that escaped him as his eyes scanned over the script for the movie Dareth was producing. He didn't hate it. In fact, it was actually pretty decent; especially for Dareth's first movie. He just didn't like that the characters couldn't be played by the ninja. Jay was looking over Kai's shoulder at the script, doing his best to make sure they weren't too close to each other, "You know, the more I look at this, the more I wonder why we couldn't play the characters," he spoke up. Kai shrugged in response, muttering a simple "Beats me."

"Excuse me, Mr. Walker," came a voice.

Jay looked up from the script to find the actor who would be playing his character in the movie. Jay offered a small smile "Oh, hey," he greeted "You're Kumail, right?" he asked. The actor nodded, seeming extremely nervous, "Um, I was talking to Dareth about how I should get into character. He recommended that I ask you about yourself," he explained. Kai let out a light snicker, while mumbling "That should be easy. After all, Jay loves talking about himself."

The comment earned him a sharp glare from Jay, "But," Kai slowly began "He tends to be the most light-hearted out of any of us and when ever he's in a very horrible situation, he makes jokes that are usually only funny to him," he explained, not looking up from the script. Jay blinked several times, processing the words that Kai had just said. He would have felt extremely pleased and even happy, although, "Wait, what do you mean my jokes are usually only funny to me?" he immediately questioned, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. Kai glanced up at Jay with a raised eyebrow, which lead Jay to stick out his tongue in retaliation.

The lightning ninja turned his attention back to Kumail, who seemed to be watching their interactions carefully, "Anyways," Jay began "I really like inventing new things, technology, and the color blue and am the second smartest on the team. The first one being Zane. Admittedly, I do tend to be the first to panic in a dire situation," Jay explained, muttering the last bit out of embarrassment, "I used to have a crush on Nya, but it subsided. Of course, knowing Dareth, there's definitely a romantic undertone in the movie between Nya and me," he added.

"Basically, to sum it up, Jay is your average nerdy, lovable dork, who has a poor taste in humor," Kai cut in.

Jay felt his face start to heat up, though luckily it went unnoticed by Kumail, who smiled wide and thanked the two ninja for their help. Kumail proceeded to walk off and talk with the rest of the actors, leading Jay and Kai to be left off to the side. As soon as Kumail was out of earshot, Jay immediately elbowed Kai in the ribs, earning him a very loud "Ow! What the heck was that for?!"

Jay glared at Kai, feeling the heat rise in his face, "It was for making me blush and saying all that stuff about me!" he hissed quietly. Kai raised an eyebrow "The part about your sense of humor?" he asked, "No! The part about me being a lovable dork!" Jay snapped in reply "I know we're together and all, but it has to stay between us," he quietly explained "Because if it doesn't, there's no telling what our fanbase would do."

"What do you mean?" Kai questioned. Jay let out an exasperated sigh "Shipping wars, Kai. Shipping wars," he stated. Kai blinked several times, recalling the number of arguments he's seen on Tumblr about who should date who, in regards to the ninja, "Yeah, you're probably right. It's best to keep this between us," he said "Anywho, want to go grab something at the food table?" he asked, giving Jay a small smile. Jay grinned wide "You know me too well," he chirped. The two ninja proceeded to walk off to the food table, chatting quietly along the way.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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