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The world fell silent at that very moment. The news made everyone, everything fall dumb,instantly .The news of the children's disappearance astounded me as l listened to it on the radio. I was in my car headed for home .It had been a strenuous day and as a journalist I knew I had a juicy story to tell. It was going to be tough yes and risky yes but the truth has to be told always, no matter what. I got to my flat apartment in the Avenues and threw myself onto the bed.I closed my eyes, trying to sleep but failed. Something was holding me . something was stopping me.I took a cigarette from my pocket, lit it with a lighter on a small table nearby and started smoking. My mind had to be cleared.I got up from bed and put on the TV.The children's disappearance was the talk of the day on TV. I watched with ewe,grief and flabbergast. It was indeed saddening, as the Minister of Child Care explained in an interview concerning the breaking news.I was good at investigative reporting so I knew very well l would get to the truth. I puffed and told myself that I was going to conquer. Oh yes I was going to conquer

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