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A/N: Jeez I haven't updated and i haven't even wrote anything in years?Anyway i'm going to be more active from now on! Also thank you for 656 reads I really appreciate it and also it might not be a lot but thank you for 15 votes i am thankful for the votes and reads no matter how big or small! I hope you enjoy this small oneshot!

(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/C) = Favourite Colour

(S/F/C) = Second Favourite Colour

(F/G) = Favorite Game

(G/C) = Game Console

Today was your birthday and all your friends were coming even your best friend Larry. You've known Larry for a long time, you've even developed a little crush on him over time. You look at the time realizing that your friends (and Larry) would be here and minute or so, the doorbell soon rang and you rushed to the door and opened it. It was your five friends, more of your friends came but none of them were Larry. As time passed there was no Larry at your little party, you were really upset but tried to focus on having fun with your friends.

It was the end of the party and everyone was leaving to go home, it fun but not as fun as it usually was when Larry was there. You sighed and started to clean up a bit until there was a knock on the door, you thought it was one of your friends who forgot something but no it was Larry. You were happy but at the same time mad at him for coming after the party instead of before. "Happy Birthday (Y/N)!" You let him inside and crossed your arms tapping your foot against the floor wanting an explanation. "I'm sorry i didn't come before I was um.....Busy with stuff." He smiled at you hoping that you wouldn't bite his head off "I um, got you something!"

Larry gave you a (F/C) box with (S/F/C) ribbons wrapped around it you took it and unwrapped the (S/F/C) ribbons taking off the lid of the box. Inside the box contained (F/G) you smiled widely putting the box and ribbon aside you hugged the him pink dusted his cheeks. "Thank you so much! This is the best gift ever!" Larry looked away hoping to hide the blush on his face "It was no problem, how about we play it?" He suggested "That would be nice, just know that i'll kick your butt in it anyway!" You walked over to (G/C) and turned it on Larry followed and crossed his arms "We'll see about that!" You two sat down with your controllers and started playing the game.

After winning, losing, eating chips and drinking pop you took a break from the game and started to watch Larry play while both of you talked about all the characters in the game, you didn't have a favourite character yet so you decided to ask Larry what was his favourite character since he's played (F/G) before.

"Hey Larry?" he hummed in response concentrating on the screen"Who's your favourite character in (F/G)?" You looked at him as he thought about it long and hard about his favourite character "Oh, that's pretty easy." he paused the game to look at you "You're my favourite character." Larry looked away and continued playing hiding his blush You felt heat rise up to your cheeks and smiled.

"You're my favourite character too."

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