Chapter 10: A Very Holmes-y Christmas (Sherlock's POV)

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A/N-- Hello, my lovelies! Sorry, just a quick note to let you know that this chapter is going to be a tad bit long, not too long, of course. Also, I am not sure what Sherlock's parents names are. If you, by any chance, know, please comment below, and tell me! Not much action here, just a lot more Sherlock x Alice fluff. Hope you all enjoy! -xx Alysa

Weeks turned into months, as the three of us, meaning Alice, John, and I, lived in 221B Baker Street. Alice quit helping the Scotland Yard for a while, and focused on music. She was making new songs almost every week. The idea helped her; she didn't scar for six months, now. There was the problem of going outside; she would be surrounded by fans who demanded a concert soon. And there were awful days for Alice, however, when I would find her in the bathroom, sobbing, unable to go or do anything. But I was there for her, and she was better, happier in the end. John continued his work at the hospital. Needless to say, he found himself a new girlfriend, Sarah. She seemed nice, in Alice's opinion, but naive in mine. He was mostly spending time with her. I, on the other hand, was focusing on the new cases. Alice would participate in them, a little, liking to see what comes up. I do like a second opinion.

It was getting colder, as the days drew slowly to Christmas. Alice hated that time of year for she was always cold. Thankfully, we had a fireplace running every day, so she wasn't freezing to death. This night, I was playing the violin as it helped me think. Alice was wrapped in a blanket and sitting on the couch next to John.

"Snow!" She suddenly cried out from behind me. She rushed toward the window just to see the first few snowflakes flying toward the ground. I smiled at her, pausing my playing.

"Sounds like we are going to have a very frosty christmas." John said from behind. I rolled my eyes.

"Like we've never heard that before." The three of us laughed. It was cut short when the phone rang. Alice turned to grab it.

"Hello?" She softly asked. I smiled appreciatively again. Her voice was so lovely, like ringing bells. "Yes...." She paused again and turned to look at me. I groaned. Someone wanted me on the phone. If it was Lestrade calling again about our last case, by God, I will hang up on him. "Yes, he's here. Would you like to speak to him? Okay. You're welcome." She handed me the phone, mouthing, "For you." I sighed and took it.

"Yes?" I asked, keeping my voice controlled.

"Hello, Sherlock, darling!" My mother's voice piped up. I closed my eyes and put my face in my hand. Do I really have to deal with her right now? I don't hate my mother, at all. On the contrary, I loved her more than words can say. It's just that she is so incredibly boring. My parents are ordinary people. I swallowed and tried to sound pleased.

"Hello, Mum." Alice's mouth fell open and John sniggered at the look on my face.

"Oh, Sherlock, we were so worried! Your father and I tried contacting Mycroft, but he didn't have any of your contacts, and it was so hard to reach you. But then, we managed to contact your dear friend, John, and he gave me the home phone." I glared at John. He smiled innocently. I sighed and smiled a little.

"No, don't worry. Everything is fine."

"That's wonderful, sweetheart. Oh, and I wanted to invite you over for Christmas. Mycroft will be there. You must come!" I made a face. Christmas with Mycroft. Marvelous. Alice's laughter caught my attention. I turned to look at her and smiled. An idea came into my mind. Christmas would be much bearable with her around, maybe I could take Alice. It would be a good idea for her to meet my parents, and I could make Mycroft apologize to Alice for the death threat thing.


"Yes, dear?"

"Well, you see, I have a... a girlfriend." Alice blushed looking down while John nudged her playfully.

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