Chapter 3

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Molly's POV

"Harry dropped his wallet" I said staring at his I.D.

Harry usually kept his belongings quite safe and it was unusual for him to not realise he had lost something.

"Surely he would have come back for it?" said Casey in disbelief.

Simon then put it in his pocket and we continued to walk on. Cal was ahead of us and stopped when he came to another turn.

"This is where we turn to come out next to our house" he said, pointing.

"Well what's up here?" said Vik looking forwards into the next part of the alleyway.

"I don't know" said Cal, "I've never been up there, we just turn here".

And without a word being said, we all continued to shuffle up the alleyway, somehow hoping that Harry would hop out of the hedge and be alright.

"This is a waste of time" I said after a while, "He won't have gone this way, and I don't think this will help us find him".

"You never know" said Vik hopefully, "He might have gone for a stroll in a different direction".

So we listened to Vik and walked for another 10 minutes. Eventually, we reached the end of the alleyway and there was a great, big open field in front of us.

"Let's turn back" sighed Liza, "I mean, he's not exactly going to be hiding in some grass is he?"

However, when she said that Vik and Simon were already walking across the field, which meant we should follow. Splitting up did not seem like a wise idea at that point. After another 15 minutes of navigating our way through tall grass and mud, we saw a large, grey building in the distance.

"What's that?" asked Casey as we drew nearer to the building randomly located in the middle of nowhere.

"I don't know" replied Cal "but there's two of them".

"Wait there's three" I answered.

We soon approached the three, large, mysterious buildings which looked like warehouses.

"Should we go inside?" said Liza sounding worried.

"Definitely" said Simon, "Harry could be hiding in there. Or if he has been kidnapped like Casey said he might be trapped in there".

"I doubt he's been kidnapped" said Vik "and anyway he wouldn't be hiding in there, it's pointless looking".

"I don't care" said Liza, "We're looking".

Then we walked up to the large door and Liza took a hair grip from her perfect hair and began picking the lock. After a short while Simon and Cal began to lift the door, and we all ran to help. The door opened and we flashed our phone torches inside. There was nothing there. There were a few rats and hay bales but no sign of our friend.

"See" said Vik "nothing there, I told you it was pointless".

"Maybe it is pointless" said Cal, but the rest of our friends were already walking towards the second one.

"It's worth a shot" shrugged Casey.

As the second door opened we did the same as the last one with our phone torches and expected to see nothing. However, as we looked closer we saw a small rectangle lying on the floor. We got closer and I picked it up. It was a phone. I clicked the button and saw the home screen. It was a group picture of us. Harry's phone. We looked at each other in shock and disbelief. We continued to search the building but there was nothing. Harry had been in this warehouse and now he was gone.

Why was Harry in here? And why was he not here anymore? Before we were even out of the building Simon and Liza were moving onto the third one. Vik didn't help open the door and didn't come in because he still thought it was pointless. As the inside of the final warehouse was revealed a huge gasp was let out by the rest of my friends. Once again lying in the middle of the floor were Harry's belongings. Cal picked up Harry's blue, dirty, ripped hoodie. None of us knew why Harry's hoodie was here and why it was ripped. There was nothing else in there so then we didn't know where to go next.

"Now what?" I said.

We all looked at each other and shrugged. There was nowhere else around us since we were in the middle of nowhere. As we stood together questioning our next move Casey suddenly shouted and pointed towards the trees at the other end of the field; "look!".

We turned to see a hooded figure running at full speed into the trees before they disappeared behind the leaves. Instantly, Vik sprinted after the figure running faster than we'd ever seen before. We followed.

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