Marcel Gerard - Destructive

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The plate crashed against the wall with a satisfying crack. Somehow destroying things felt like the right thing to do, so you took up another and threw it away with all the force you had in you.

"Hey... Don't use me for target practice, Y/N. That's not why I came up here."

You hadn't heard the door opening, you hadn't seen Marcel come in, until he had to duck to evade the plate going exactly for his head.
"Well, you make a good one. I almost hit you." You picked up another plate, but Marcel sped over to you, grabbed your wrist and made you put it down.

"Don't do that. You're only going to regret it later. What's the matter?" He didn't let go of your wrist, but lead you to your living room, putting you down on the couch with only a few cushions in your reach.

You were willing to thrown them at his head though... you just had the feeling he'd catch them before you could do anything to hurt him, which was your ultimate goal. Something had to be broken.
"Everything." You opted for crossing your arms instead. "My boyfriend broke up with me, my boss is about to fire me, I had a fight with another friend. Everything is just crashing down and I hate it!" It wasn't even the supernatural drama. Strangely enough you could handle that. It was everything else that you couldn't. You stood up to walk to your liquor cabinet. "I need a drink. Vodka, probably."

"Hooo...." Marcel stood up as well and positioned himself between you and your liquor. "It's six o'clock in the morning. You're not having vodka. You should be in bed."

You tried to push him aside, but he stood a bit too firm for your human strength.
"So should you. And you drink all the time."

He smiled when you tried to manoeuvre around him, only to put you back where you started when he had enough.
"I should. But I happened to walk by after some... business I had to attend and I saw your light still burning and I thought I'd check. And I have a vampire metabolism. You don't get to do what I do, because that would kill you." He shrugged. "I would go and make you a cup of tea, but I don't trust you alone in this room. He cocked his head.
"Am I right?"

You just scowled a bit harder. That was kind of what you had been thinking about... send Marcel on some kind of errand and get what you want in the meantime.

That was enough to make a smile come through on Marcel's face and he sat down next to you, wrapping an arm around you and making your head rest against his shoulder.
"So I'll just have to stay here to make sure you stay out of trouble. When we're at it... why don't you just tell me everything you'd want to say to your friend and your boss? I can handle it and I'm pretty sure it's a less destructive way than getting rid of all your crockery. Unless you really want to buy new ones?"

You shrugged, but you relaxed against him.
"Not really. And he's just an ass... they all are. Everyone is, apparently."

Marcel Gerard - The Originals Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now