Chapter 5

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I'm Coming Clarke

The boys words festered in the air for a few moments until I could muster up a sentence in my head.

"You shall regret your choice of words soon enough, I promise you that. I am Le-"


A voice in the distant rang out, saying my name in disbelief--Kane. I felt my eyes brighten and my soul become lighter as I knew I could trust Kane, finally someone I could trust.

"Lexa--I-I thought you were dead" his face paled and he eyed me continuously.

The boy who'd once disrespected me became ill looking and stepped aside to let Kane see me fully.

"As does everyone else, including my Clarke"

"Heda, Clarke is lost without you. Why haven't you returned? Where have you been? I don't underst-" Kane was confused and he was with reason but now was certainly not the time to be dwelling and re living the past. I'm freezing and hungry and I need to be tended to now rather than later.

"Now isn't the time to discuss such matters, we will have chance for that on the way to the Ark which is where I believe you're going? I won't survive out here alone much longer"

"Yes Heda, we'd be honoured to help. John, help her onto a horse and give her some food and water" The boy who threatened me,now who I know to be called John did as he said and apologised in the process which I sternly accepted.


Finally, I am going to my Clarke. Finally...

Love is not weakness (A Clexa Story)Where stories live. Discover now