Chapter 2 ~ Mate

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I wake up in a cold sweat. I can't stand this anymore, I need to know who that was. His piecing gaze was burned into my memory. Who was he? What pack was he from? I couldn't stop asking myself these things.
Not being able to take it any longer I get out of my bed. Walking down a glass stair case late at night was not the easiest thing, I froze as I see Cade our pack's Beta staring at me with his sharp eyes.
   "Heya Val where ya going at this hour?" His condescending tone told me that he wanted something.
"Cade what do you want?"
" I want to know who your meeting up with?" a sense of protectiveness flashed through his eyes. 
" Come on Cade you know that I'm not meeting anyone I just want to go for a midnight stroll" I lied smoothly.
He looked at me with a suspicious glance and then keeps walking through the house.
Hoping that he doesn't tell anyone that I left, I slip out of the front door and let my wolf take full control so she can find what is making her feel so distraught. I took off running through the snow determined to find him. I run off of pack lands without a second hesitation.

Hours later I wasn't finding anything but I could still feel my wolf stirring inside me wanting to know who this was.
    I turned towards home when I caught that scent again.
Cedar and Honey.
I pulled in a deep breath this scent was so attractive to me. It sent flutters and sparks all over my body.
Snapping out of my fantasy I follow the scent. As it grew stronger the butterflies in my stomach became more apparent. Walking slowly trying to find where the scent was coming from. I turn the corner of a rock and come face to face with a big pitch black wolf. His piercing blue eyes staring right at me. Soft snowflakes falling into his midnight fur. His scent was so strong I could feel my wolf wanting to take control but I didn't let her.
This wolf let out a big puff of white vapor into my face. A low growl rippled through this stranger, I coward not knowing what to do. I could fell his power radiating around him.
Not knowing what to do I slowly backed away from the alpha until I was a safe enough distance to turn around and run. I sprinted at full speed to get to home, safe. As I'm running I hear heavy paws coming up from behind me and I turn to see him again.
Who is this? Why is he following me?
Before I could ask anything he was standing in front of me fully naked. I shift not knowing what to do. As I stood up his eyes devour the sight of my naked body. My face went red hot as I tried to cover up my nakedness. He looks me up and down obviously enjoying what he sees. His scent fills my nose, causing some odd feelings down there. He slowly walks up to me proud and confident as ever.  I could feel the heat radiating off of him as he got closer. He stood just an inch away from me looking down at me. His breath fanning my face. He puts one finger under my chin forcing to look at him, sparks exploded where his finger rested under my chin. I study his face, his face was very symmetrical and he had a diamond stud in his ear. Damn that made him even more attractive. He studies my face and says in a deep gravely voice he growls
I stumble back slowly realizing that he was my mate. Not knowing what to do I shift and run away from him as fast as I can. Glancing back I just see him standing then slowly disappearing into the snow.


Hi there!!!!
Thanks for reading!!
Feed back is always welcome!!
I'm new at writing so please give me feedback!!
- Willow

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