The Thirteenth Floor (part 1)

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It was a quiet day in the London Evening Messenger office block. Such a thing was not unheard of at this time of the evening. The clock ticked by and the janitor swept the floor with his mop, hunched over and ignored. Two journalists were still around, working late. The room was uncomfortably silent barring the clicking of keys on the keyboard and the sipping sound of coffees being consumed as the two hurried to get everything finished on time.

"Look at the time," Rick, the older of the two, cursed as he checked his watch. 9:40 PM. He turned to his co-worker.
"I'm going to be late! Help me out, Arthur!" He pleaded.
"But I'm just a junior reporter!" Arthur protested, looking at Rick in disdain. Arthur was well aware of Rick's date with Lisa Parker, a clerk at the Mayor's office. He also knew Rick would never finish on time to meet her, though he kept that to himself. "I don't have the experience. Besides, you're supposed to be training me!"

Rick ignored him. He grabbed his coat and walked over to the teenager. "Consider this your lesson of the day." With that, he left his notes on Arthur's desk and left the room. Arthur huffed in annoyance. He picked up the notes, and flicked through them absently.
Rick strolled through the corridor happily, whistling a jaunty tune.

He pressed the elevator button, waiting patiently for the lift to arrive. Today was a good day. From the corner of his eye, Rick noticed the janitor, Arnold, stooped over mopping the floor.

"You missed a spot, Arnold." Rick teased. The elevator chimed open, prompting Rick to step inside. Arnold stopped mopping the floor, watching as the doors slid closed. He tilted his head to the side, nictitating membranes snapping across his eyes.

Rick selected the ground floor and waited patiently as the lift began its descent.
The lift moved slowly. Down... down... down... then it stopped precariously between floors twelve and fourteen. There was no floor thirteen. Rick huffed. This was preposterous, he was going to be late! He jabbed at the ground floor button again, but the lift refused to move.

"Stupid thing!" Rick growled under his breath. The elevator lurched suddenly and Rick was nearly thrown off his feet. He grabbed the railing to steady himself. The red text flickering on the panel stated 13. He whimpered, slightly terrified. Slowly, the elevator doors slid open and light streamed through. Rick stared, transfixed. It was absolutely impossible. His wonder quickly morphed into horror. He screamed.

Arthur paused flicking through the notes when he heard a strange sounding roar. Looking through the window into the corridor, he was greeted with the unspectacular image of Arnold mopping the floor. He frowned, returning to his note reading.

It must have been his imagination.

Gita Chandra was washing the plates, humming a little tune to herself when Rani walked into the room with a confident smile and her best clothes. She coughed, catching her mother's attention.

"Oh!" Gita beamed. "Look at you! So beautiful. You look so grown up."
"You think?" Rani smiled. "I really want to look like a reporter for my first day. Make a good impression."
"You look fine, my darling," Gita assured her, smiling sadly. "To think that you'll be gone soon, off to live your own life without me or you dad getting in the way."

"Oh, don't be so sure, mum." Rani teased. "I'll be scrounging off you both for years to come."
"Now, don't be silly, Rani!" Gita chastised her.
"Yes, yes, I know," Rani smiled. "I'm off, can't exactly keep Sarah Jane waiting." She kissed her mother goodbye and made her way to the door.

"Have fun!"

Rani left the house and crossed the road, where Sarah Jane, Sky and Clyde were waiting for her.
"Wow!" Sky gasped in awe. "You look nice, Rani!"
"Nice, eh?" Rani smirked. "You really are Luke's sister."
"Nice isn't quite the word I'd use," Clyde smirked. "You look like a librarian with your new threads."
"Oh, shut up, Clyde!" Rani huffed, shoving him lightly. Clyde chuckled, the mischievous look in his eyes transitioning into something warmer. Rani couldn't quite place it.

The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Untold adventures Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now